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Out-of-control government spending is a byproduct of a broken Washington. For far too long, Republicans and Democrats alike have operated under the false assumption that they can spend their way into prosperity. This problem was exacerbated in the Pelosi-led Congress by bailouts of private enterprises, more than a trillion dollars worth of so-called stimulus spending, and the birth of a massive new entitlement program: Obamacare. I was elected to office to end Congress’ reckless spending spree and chart our country on a better path.


 Let me be clear – Congress has a spending problem, not a taxing problem. We cannot continue to finance these bad spending habits by borrowing from foreign countries like China, and sticking our children and grandchildren with the bill.  We cannot continue to swipe the nation’s credit card and live beyond our means. Since taking office, I have already successfully worked with other Members of Congress to cut more that $50 billion in non-defense discretionary spending.   As long as I am a Member of Congress, I will remain committed to reining in government spending, balancing the budget, and returning to our nation’s founding principles of limited government.

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