Tele-Townhall Archives

Several times a year, I host a Tele-Townhall meeting, which is using telephone and Internet technology to bring together a large number of Idahoans on what has become an electronic townhall meeting.  During the hour-long meetings, which are generally held quarterly, a number of issues are covered.  To listen to previous meetings, please review the information below.  You can choose to listen to the full meeting, listen to just selected questions and answers that interest you or read the transcript of the meeting.

Tele-Townhall Meeting for February 12, 2014

Please click here to listen to the audio from the most recent meeting held on February 12, 2014. The program runs 64 minutes.


Opening Remarks
Question 2: Are the changes from the administration to Obamacare legal?
Question 3: Why is the administration holding up the Keystone XL Pipeline?
Question 4: The President's use of Executive Orders?
Question 5: Do you favor a balanced budget amendment?
Question 6: How did you vote on the Farm Bill?
Question 7: Do you support a minimum wage increase?
Question 8: What is your priority in the Senate?
Question 9: Government regulations?
Question 10: President Obama's recess appointments legal?
Question 11: Privacy concerns?
Question 12: What does broadening the tax base mean?
Question 13: What is your alternative to Obamacare?
Question 14: How do we get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl home?
Question 15: What can we do to better make our voices heard?

Please click here to listen to the audio from the most recent meeting held on September 18, 2013. The program runs 59 minutes. 


                                        iTownhall meeting for September 18, 2013
Opening Remarks
Question 2: Obamacare in Idaho?
Question 3: Raising the Debt Ceiling?
Question 4: Syria?
Question 5: Defunding Obamacare?
Question 6: Entitlement reform: What is an entitlement?
Question 7: Gun control?
Question 8: Energy: Why are we importing foreign oil?
Question 9: Tax reform?
Question 10: Oversight on the Federal Reserve?
Question 11: Enforcing our current immigration laws?
Question 12: Accountability for government agencies?
Question 13: Running a small business in today's economic climate?
Question 14: Gridlock in Congress?
Closing Remarks


Please click here to listen to the audio from the meeting held on May 22, 2013. The program runs 49 minutes. 

iTownHall Meeting for May 22, 2013
Question: Entitlement reform
Question: Housing market
Question: Internal Revenue Service targeting conservative groups
Question: Internal Revenue Service implementing Obamacare
Question: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Question: Gun control
Question: Medical coverage for seniors under Obamacare
Question: The Federal Reserve
Question: The investigation regarding the attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi
Question: Tax loopholes
Question: Immigration reform: How it will affect jobs
Question: Getting involved in the political process
Question: Farm Bill provisions
Question: Gridlock in Washington, D.C.

Please click here to listen to the audio from most recent meeting held on Feburary 13, 2013.The program runs 63 minutes. 


iTownHall Meeting for Feburary 13, 2013
Question: Is Obamacare bringing down costs?
Question: Gun control?
Question: China's manipulation of its currency?
Question: Education reform?
Question: Minimum wage proposal?
Question: Corporate tax reform?
Question: Waste in government spending?
Question:  Balanced budget amendment?
Question: Domestic energy resources?
Question: Sequestration?
Question: Immigration reform?
Question: Excessive government regulations?
Question: Gridlock in Washington?

Please click here to listen to the audio from most recent meeting held on November 14, 2012.The program runs 61 minutes. 

iTownHall Meeting for November 14, 2012
Question: What happens to Obamacare if U.S. goes over Fiscal Cliff
Question: Raising taxes on the top 2%
Question: Sequestration
Question: Balanced approach to the fiscal crisis
Question: Employer insurance being dropped due to Obamacare
Question: Revenue from Bush tax cuts expiring
Question: Can the fiscal cliff be prevented
Question: Filibuster rules
Question: Entitlement reform (2 questions)
Question: Energy policy
Question: Capital gains taxes
Question: Specifics on cuts in the budget
Question: Work in the Gang of 8
Question: Working with the president
Question: Making Social Security and Medicare solvent
Question: Tax hikes on retirees
Question: Dependence on the government
Crapo's closing remarks

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on July 18, 2012.The program runs 56 minutes.

iTownHall Meeting for July 18, 2012
Crapo's opening remarks
Question: Another economic collapse
Question: Raising taxes on all Americans
Question: What are taxes used for
Question: Senate Democrats failure on a budget
Question: Why is Congress not controlling spending
Question: Specific proposal to reform entitlement programs
Question: Reforming the food stamp program
Question: How can Idahoans help at a grassroots level
Question: Elections have consequences
Question: Office budget and is it used efficiently
Question: Use of nuclear power
Question: Concealed Carry Law
Question: Illegal immigration reform
Question: United Nations Treaties
Question: Senate Democrats lack of voting on major issues
Question: Senate Filibuster rules
Question: Voter ID Laws
Question: Budget cutting
Crapo's closing remarks

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on May 23, 2012.The program runs 53 minutes. Click here to download a copy of the transcript for the meeting for reading (PDF, 108 KB).

iTownHall Meeting for May 23, 2012
Crapo's opening remarks
Question: Balanced Budget
Question: Paul Ryan budget proposal
Question: Bailouts and the Ryan budget
Question: Senate Dems failure on budget
Question: Reforming the tax code
Question: Reforming the tax code (part 2)
Question: Taxes, business investments in U.S.
Question: Flat tax proposals
Question: European crisis, how it affects America
Question: Fiscal crisis, Gang of Six work
Question: Stimulus Packages
Question: Law of the Sea Treaty
Question: Treaties detracting from sovereignty
Question: Use of unmanned drones in the U.S.
Question: Government over-regulation
Question: Energy production in the U.S.
Question: E-Verify
Question: Fees to use public lands

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on February 29, 2012.The program runs 56 minutes. Click here to download a copy of the transcript for the meeting for reading (PDF, 55 KB).

iTownHall Meeting for February 29, 2012
Crapo's Opening Remarks
Question: High Gas Prices
Question: National Debt and Budget Issues
Question: Deficit Reduction
Question: Corporate Tax Reform
Question: Health Insurance for Members of Congress
Question: Deadlock in Congress
Question: Simpson-Bowles Fiscal Commission
Question: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011
Question: Domestic and Foreign Oil Supply
Question: Another Question on Oil Supply
Question: Executive Orders and Presidential Appointments
Question: Political Engagement

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on September 14, 2011. The program runs 56 minutes. Click here to download a copy of the transcript for the meeting for reading (PDF, 110 KB).

iTownHall Meeting for September 14, 2011
Crapo's Opening Remarks
Question: Medicare & Medicaid Reform
Question: Cooperation on Solving the Debt Crisis
Question: Corporate Tax and Social Security Reform
Question: Another Corporate Tax Reform
Question: Political Engagement
Question: Supercommittee and Defense Spending
Question: Foreign Aid Spending
Question: Benefits for Members of Congress
Question: Flat Tax
Question: S&P Downgrade
Question: Consequences of Doing Nothing on Fiscal Reform
Question: Energy Independence
Question: Immigration
Question: E-Verification
Crapo's Closing Remarks

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on August 4, 2010; the program runs 56 minutes. Click here to download a copy of the transcript for the meeting for reading (PDF, 112 KB).

iTownHall Meeting for August 4, 2010
Crapo's Opening Remarks
Question: Deficit Commission Recommendations
Question: Immigration Control in Idaho
Question: Extending Unemployment Benefits
Question: Second Amendment Rights
Question: Repealing the Health Care Reform Bill
Question: Public Lands and Wilderness Designation
Question: Medicare and Social Security Cuts
Question: Stimulus Package Effect on Idaho
Question: Estate Tax
Question: Expiring Bush Tax Cuts
Question: Fraud and Waste in Government
Question: Term Limits to Eliminate Party-Line Votes
Question: Stimulus for Small Business

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on June 9, 2010; the program runs 53 minutes.

iTownHall Meeting for June 9, 2010
Crapo's Opening Remarks
Question: Health care bill's affect on Medicare
Question: Climate energy bill
Question: Foreign affairs
Question: Federal bailouts
Question: Federal budget deficit
Question: BP oil spill
Question: Immigration reform
Question: Wilderness area
Question: Entitlement programs and spending
Question: EPA resolution of disapproval
Question: Fraud in the welfare system
Question: Alternative energy sources


Please click here to download a written transcript of the June 9, 2010, iTownHall meeting; it has been edited for grammar and clarification where necessary.

Last updated 05/15/2014