
On this page, you will find information about audio/MP3 files, podcasts, iTownHall meetings, video clips and other multimedia options.

Audio Clips and Podcasts

Senator Crapo in radio studio during news conference

Use the links below to hear about issues and activity in the U.S. Senate. The audio clips, which are also available as podcasts through iTunes, Odeo and other MP3 services, include my weekly Tuesday teleconference as well news briefings and floor and hearing statements on currrent legislation. A podcast is an audio file that you can download and listen to on your computer or a portable MP3 player such as an iPod. The word "podcast" is a combination of two other words:  iPod and broadcast. You can listen to the programs immediately on your computer or transfer the files to your audio player and listen to them later.

2012 | 2011 | 2010 2009 | 2008 2007 | 2006


You may also subscribe to the podcast with any podcasting enabled software or web services, such as iTunes or Odeo. When I add something to my podcast feed, you will automatically receive those updates.

  • To subscribe to my podcast in iTunes, click here.
  • To subscribe to my podcast in Odeo, click here.

iTownHall Meetings

Using technology to connect with Idahoans helps me keep in touch even when the Senate is in session.  In November 2007, I started hosting Senator Crapo takes a call during a quarterly iTownHall meetingiTownHall meetings using a telephone/Internet program.  This allows me to spend an hour or so speaking with Idahoans, who also have the opportunity to ask me questions about issues that they are concerned about.  While the program uses the Internet, it is not necessary for participants to have a computer.  All that is needed to participate is a telephone and an hour of your time.  The iTownHall meetings are never scheduled during a time when I can be out in Idaho, meeting in person with individuals and groups.  They are scheduled to allow me additional opportunity to visit with Idahoans about issues of importance.  As such, they have taken place in the middle of the week, generally on Wednesday evenings, during weeks when the Senate is in session.

The quarterly meetings will be held throughout the year, generally every three months, depending on the Senate schedule.  The calls will also likely be on a Wednesday, starting at 7 p.m. Mountain/6 p.m. Pacific.  The schedule for 2012 is listed below.  Please note that the schedule is subject to change pending the Senate voting schedule. 

• Wednesday, February 15, 2012

• Wednesday, May 23, 2012

• Wednesday, July 18, 2012

• Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Calls are placed starting about 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of the meeting, and will continue for about 20 minutes until all the calls are made. That means that you may end up joining the meeting a little later than the scheduled start time.

Sign Up For iTownHall Meeting

Signing up for the iTownHall meeting is easy.  All you need to do is send an e-mail to iTownHall Info, with Future Meetings in the subject line.  Please include your name, a telephone number for evening hours (a landline is better than a cell), and address in the body of the e-mail. That's all the information that is needed.  You will be added to the call list for that evening, and will remain on the VIP call list for future calls unless you request to be removed.  All that is needed to participate is a telephone; you do not need computer access or any special equipment or software. To ensure participation, your request must be received at least two days before the scheduled meeting date.

The iTownHall meetings are generally held in the evening to avoid conflicts with the Senate schedule.  Please do not provide multiple phone numbers.  Additionally, if you do NOT wish to be called for any iTownHall meeting, please send your request to the same e-mail, indicating that you would like your telephone number to be removed from any future meetings.  Although the Do Not Call list does not apply to these types of calls, we also try to honor the wishes of those who put their telephone numbers on the Do Not Call list by removing those numbers from our database.  We will do our best to honor both types of requests.

iTownHall Meeting on July 18, 2012

Please click here to listen to the meeting held on July 18, 2012.The program runs 56 minutes. 


iTownHall Meeting for July 18, 2012
Crapo's opening remarks
Question: Another economic collapse
Question: Raising taxes on all Americans
Question: What are taxes used for
Question: Senate Democrats failure on a budget
Question: Why is Congress not controlling spending
Question: Specific proposal to reform entitlement programs
Question: Reforming the food stamp program
Question: How can Idahoans help at a grassroots level
Question: Elections have consequences
Question: Office budget and is it used efficiently
Question: Use of nuclear power
Question: Concealed Carry Law
Question: Illegal immigration reform
Question: United Nations Treaties
Question: Senate Democrats lack of voting on major issues
Question: Senate Filibuster rules
Question: Voter ID Laws
Question: Budget cutting
Crapo's closing remarks

Listen to previous iTownHall meetings.

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Last updated 04/23/2013