U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Statements & Speeches

Statements & Speeches

Here you'll find the full text of the speeches Chris has given on the floor of the Senate and major speeches delivered elsewhere.

Currently showing results related to Jobs and the Economy

June 2014
Floor Speech: Senator Coons touts bipartisan progress on manufacturing workforce training
April 2014
Floor Colloquy: Urging support for manufacturing innovation hubs with Senator King
January 2014
Floor Speech: Congress must renew support for jobseekers
December 2013
Floor Speech: New reasons to invest in manufacturing jobs
November 2013
Floor Speech: A strategy to train America's 21st century workforce
Floor Speech: Budget deal must invest in job growth, replace sequester
Floor Speech: Expanding access to capital for manufacturers
October 2013
Floor Speech: Marking National Technological Innovation Day
Opening Statement: First meeting of budget conference committee
Floor Speech: America can't afford to default
Floor Speech: Shutdown threatens to furlough justice
Floor Speech: Shutdown is not the answer
Floor Speech: Delaware doesn't want a shutdown
September 2013
Floor Colloquy: Senator Coons calls on colleagues to prevent government shutdown
Floor Speech: Senator Coons urges colleagues to focus on jobs, not manufactured crises
July 2013
Floor Speech: Senator Coons urges Congress to refocus on jobs
June 2013
Floor Speech: Senator Coons urges support for immigration reform bill
April 2013
Floor Colloquy: Senator Coons talks about the importance of the Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act
Floor Speech: Senator Coons joins Senator Durbin in reintroducing bill to create jobs in U.S. by expanding trade with Africa
July 2012
Statement for the Record: Unveiling a bill to create R&D; tax credit for startups
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