

A good transportation system promotes economic growth in Idaho and across the nation and improves our personal mobility and quality of life.  Highways and infrastructure play a critical role in attracting economic development to rural locations like many Idaho cities and towns.  A good transportation system gets product from the farm and factory to the distribution centers, and on to the stores and consumers.  It enables us to move safely and efficiently to school, work, around town and around the state and country.

On a more general level, any good transportation legislation must distribute highway funds in a way that recognizes the national interest in transportation investment in and across rural states, not just in populated areas.  Without good interstate and arterial routes in states like Idaho, business and pleasure travel as well as interstate commerce are detrimentally affected.  Accordingly, there is no question that the federal highway program needs to make a substantial net investment in the highways of Idaho.

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Last updated 04/23/2013