If you Lost BadgerCare Plus, Sign up for Special Enrollment Health Care Coverage by November 2

Did you or did someone you know lose BadgerCare Plus coverage? If so, you could be eligible to enroll in the federal Health Insurance Marketplace and receive the coverage you need.

If you were kicked out of the BadgerCare program by Governor Walker and don’t have health care coverage, you still have time to enroll in the federal Health Insurance Marketplace for coverage this year. The last day for special enrollment is November 2nd.

Call the federal Health Insurance Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 or TTY 1-855-889-4325 to enroll before November 2nd.

Governor Walker’s decision to kick approximately 63,000 Wisconsinites out of BadgerCare has resulted in a gap in coverage for many our friends and neighbors. But this special enrollment period will provide Wisconsinites the health insurance they need and deserve.

Help get the word out. Call the federal Health Insurance Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 or TTY 1-855-889-4325 to enroll for health insurance before the November 2nd deadline.