• RIM's 7 days in January

    Research in Motion kicked off its BlackBerry 10 launch with the unveiling of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 on Wednesday. It will culminate in the long awaited launch of BlackBerry 10 operating system and handsets on Jan. 30.

Spotlight: Cisco to buy Israeli-based, wireless tech firm Intucell for $475 million

Cisco Systems has agreed to buy Intucell, an Israeli-based supplier of wireless network technology, for $475 million. Intucell provides wireless network optimization software that enables mobile carriers to plan, configure, manage, optimize and heal cellular networks.

Owners' love of Apple not shared by Wall Street

While Apple owners might love their devices, Wall Street does not love Apple's stock, at least based on the stock's drop following the posting of record quarterly revenues and profits.

Survey: Enterprises that don't support BYOD are at competitive disadvantage

Around 70 percent of IT decision makers surveyed by Vanson Bourne--for Dell--believe BYOD can improve their work processes and productivity, while 59 percent believe they would be at a competitive disadvantage without BYOD.

Fujitsu develops HTML-5-based smartphone platform to secure corporate data

Japan's Fujitsu is developing an HTML-5-based smartphone platform designed to secure corporate data in a BYOD environment, according to a report by Computerworld.

Apple's iPhone 5 sales help AT&T get record number of new customers

Apple shipped 47.8 million iPhones in the fourth quarter, lower than expected given the launch of the iPhone 5 in September, according to Juniper Research. The iPhone 5 launch did help AT&T attract more new customers in the fourth quarter than it has in three years though, according to an AP report.


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Videoconferencing system provider Polycom saw its net income plummet to $2 million in the fourth quarter, a 96 percent year-over-year free fall, and its revenues dropped to $353 million, a more modest 9 percent year-over-year decline.


In a talk hosted by O'Reilly Strata this week called "Sex. Drugs. Rock. And CODE: Hacking Cybersecurity," which was part of O'Reilly's Data Warfare webinar, Gagnier said cyber security is an area of the law with few rules, one driven by social norms rather than good law and policy. And that needs to change.