U.S. Representative Ed Royce

40th District of California

Tax Reform Survey

Washington, Jan 29 - Do you support overhauling the federal tax code?

The tax code needs to be simplified. It is far too complex. (18.8%)

We need to eliminate tax breaks to special interests. (16.2%)

We need to reform the Alternative Minimum Tax. (10.9%)

We need to make the tax code fairer. Some benefit more than others. (15.2%)

We need to lower the corporate tax. (10%)

We need to increase taxes to increase federal revenues. (4.8%)

We need to reduce taxes to promote economic growth. (12.1%)

We need to overhaul the tax code without decreasing revenues. (8.2%)

We need to increase taxes to increase federal revenues. (3.8%)

There are several proposals to replace the current tax system. What if any do you support?

I do not support making any changes. (0.2%)

I support making changes to the current tax system. (47.8%)

I support a flat tax (33.7%)

I support a national sales tax (8%)

I support the FAIR tax (10.2%)

Currently the top 10 percent (those making over $112,000 a year) pay 70 percent of all taxes. The top 1 percent (those making over $340,000 a year) pay 38 percent of all taxes. Do you support increasing taxes on the rich?

Yes (21.3%)

No (33.3%)

I think we need to close loopholes to make the tax code fairer. (45.4%)

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