Brad Plumer
Brad Plumer

Brad Plumer is a reporter at the Washington Post writing about domestic policy, particularly energy and environmental issues.

Latest by Brad Plumer

If we hit the debt ceiling, can Obama choose which bills to pay?

Some Republicans have suggested that Obama could keep making the important payments -- debt service, Social Security, the military -- and stiff everyone else. Sadly, it's not that easy.

How the world manages to waste half its food

How the world manages to waste half its food

Between 30 percent to 50 percent of all food produced on the planet is lost and wasted without ever reaching human stomachs. Here's a look at how that's even possible.



The U.N. creates a cholera epidemic, skepticism about Japan's new stimulus program, and the definitive answer on fighting horse-sized ducks.

Graph of the day: We're on pace to heat the U.S. by 10 F

Graph of the day: We're on pace to heat the U.S. by 10 F

The U.S. government has just released a draft of a massive new report on how climate change will affect the United States.