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Current Veterans Statistics
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Veteran Population:

- Total population of Veterans in Florida (FL): 1,650,900.

About 11% of the civilian population over 18.

This is the third largest population of veterans in the nation.

  • Wartime Veterans in FL: 1,229,100.
  • Males: 1,510,600 Female: 140,300
  • Disabled veterans: 235,000.
  • 65 and older: 743,000.

- Veterans in the 23rd Congressional District of FL: 33,892.

  • The number of veterans in the 23rd Congressional District of Florida has been on a constant decline.

Source: VetPop2007 (Department of Veterans Affairs). As of September 30, 2010.

Troops Deployed:

- As of March 31, 2011, there are 24,063 U.S. Troops from Florida that are currently deployed.

- Since September 2001, 218,311 U.S Troops from Florida have been deployed.

- Since September 2001, 25,809 U.S. National Guard and Reserve Troops from Florida have been deployed.

Source: Department of Defense.

Military Casualties:

- Troops from FL killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 119

- Troops from FL killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom: 187

- Troops from FL killed in Operation New Dawn: 3

  • Total of FL troops killed since 2001: 309

- Troops from FL wounded in Operation Enduring Freedom: 685

- Troops from FL wounded in Operation Iraqi Freedom: 1423

- Troops from FL wounded in Operation New Dawn: 14

  • Total of FL troops wounded since 2001: 2122

Source: Department of Defense. As of October 3, 2011.

Veterans' Benefits:

- 8,493,700 veterans received benefits or services from the VA in FY 2008, which is approximately 36% of the total estimated living veteran population in the United States.

- Of the 8,493,700 veterans using VA programs in FY 2008, approximately 68% (5,756,800) received service from only one program.

  • Approximately 33% came to the VA for health care services only.
  • The next largest group of single-program users came to the VA for Loan Guaranty (11%), followed by Compensation payments (10%).
  • The smallest user group came for the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program (less than 1%).

- The Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs helped Florida's veterans obtain nearly $347,711,507 million in federal veterans' benefits in FY 2009-2010.

- Children and Spouses of deceased or disabled veterans received $1,917,829 in FY 2009-2010.

Source: Department of Veterans Affairs and Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs