On the House Floor

On this page you will find updated links and information on the U.S. House of Representatives floor schedule and proceedings. Find current coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives, including live C-SPAN videos, the legislative activities for the day, the daily digest, recent votes, and upcoming hearings and votes.

C-Span - Live House and Senate coverage
Watch the House and Senate in Action on C-SPAN Live Stream Video.

House Clerk - Recent Roll Call Votes
Find the day's roll call votes and who voted how

House Clerk - Today’s House Floor Proceedings
Keep up-to-date on the day's House Floor Proceedings

House Daily - Today’s House Committee Schedule
Updated listing of House Committee Schedules

House Weekly - House Program for the Remainder of this Week
Find out what legislation the House plans to consider for the rest of the week.

Majority Leader - U.S. House of Representative Vote Schedule
Basic calendar of scheduled votes for this year.

Library of Congress - U.S. House of Representative Session Calendar for the year
Find out when the House is in Session