Contact Form

Note: This service is for constituents from the District of Columbia only and will not accept messages from locations outside our area. Congressional courtesy dictates that Representatives be given the opportunity to assist their own constituents. Thus I strongly encourage you to contact your Representative in Congress by going to

Residents of the District of Columbia are urged to view my website, which is kept up-to-date on what I am doing in Congress. For questions, other than legislative, scroll over the ‘Get Help’ option and select ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ to easily address your concerns.




*All meeting/event requests should be faxed to the Capitol Hill office at (202) 225-3002 or emailed to* Also, residents should follow the ‘Tours’ link to submit all tour requests.

If you are using a P.O. Box please call our Capitol Hill office.

Regrettably, I am unable to reply to any email from constituents outside of the District of Columbia.

All fields with a red * are required.