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Solving Problems with Federal Agencies, Programs, and Regulations PDF Print E-mail

I can work with you when you are being stymied by the federal bureaucracy - from A (Department of Agriculture) to Z (American Consulate in Zurich). Please contact me with your questions, concerns, and problems.

My staff and I can often answer basic questions by phone. I also urge you to check this site and its regular updates to find basic information.

If you need more than a simple answer, I can do a better job if you provide all the information I need to get started when you first contact me. Social Security numbers, case numbers, complaint numbers, or file numbers are almost always required by agencies before they can retrieve information. Your current mailing address and phone number make it easier for me to keep in touch. I will need to know the who, what, when, where, and why of your situation. When you have a lot of information to share, a letter will be your surest way to ask for help.

Please note, to protect confidential information, many agencies require requests for help to be in writing and to be signed before they can give me or my staff any information protected by federal privacy laws.

Reach me through any of my offices.