Steve Southerland

Steve Southerland


I am privileged to represent Florida's 2nd Congressional District in our fight to shrink government, cut spending, and restore accountability in Congress.

U.S. Congress ·

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Later tonight I'm voting NO on fiscal cliff compromise. Raising taxes while doing nothing to address spending makes a bad situation worse.

Voted tonight to block pay increase for members of Congress. Before we ask the American taxpayers for higher salaries, let's earn it first.

Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous new year! May God richly bless you in 2013!

Hopeful that puts politics aside, extends critical tax relief for hardworking families. 4 days left this year.

May you have a Merry Christmas surrounded by friends, family, and the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us -- The Southerland Family

Be sure to tune into CNN now to hear my interview with Dana Bush on the fiscal cliff.

As the parents of four daughters, Susan and I extend our thoughts and prayers to the families of the Sandy Hook victims.

Bay Co is seeing the first of the penalties from the BP Oil Spill. The $10 million will go to stormwater management

Pleased that EPA approved water nutrient standards. FL should come 1st in setting water quality rules in state.

Pleased that oystermen will get needed disaster aid, helping them remain on water to rebuild our coastal economies

As we join together with family and friends today, let us reflect upon all we have to be thankful for as a nation. Happy Thanksgiving!

If Congress & President do not avoid , how will your family be hurt by new taxes? Click here to find out:

After 43 months of 8% unemployment, a slight decrease should be welcome news. Unfortunately, there’s more to the story:

With the looming, House GOP offered a plan to stop massive tax increases at end of year. Where is the President and the Senate?

& say 69% of small businesses believe President’s policies making things worse. Must reduce onerous regs

Today is National POW/MIA remembrance day. Let us pray for our heroes, especially those who never returned home.


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