
Gun Control - Mac's Video Mailbox Week of January 1, 2013

RepMacThornberryRepMacThornberry·127 videos

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Published on Jan 4, 2013

Dear Friend,

In this edition of video mailbox, I want to respond to the letters, emails, and phone calls I have been receiving about gun control.

No words can describe the unspeakable tragedy that occurred with the school shooting in Connecticut. This tragic event has people across the country asking if there are steps that can be taken to prevent anything like this from happening again. I am concerned that in a rush to do something, there may be an overreaction. I believe the problem is much deeper and more complex than any of the current proposals contemplate.

I have always stood against gun control because it only limits the constitutional rights of the people who follow the law and does nothing to stop those people who would violate the law. The shooter in Connecticut, a state with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, killed his mother and took her lawfully obtained weapons. He illegally carried the guns into a gun free zone. No law could stop him because he was committed to carrying out an evil act.

We must be careful not to blame an inanimate object for this tragedy, but rather we should look inward at society, at ourselves, and at the human being who pulled the trigger.

I invite you to learn more about these issues by watching this edition of the video mailbox. Have a question you would like answered? Please contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.

As always, I appreciate hearing from you.

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