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Senator Wicker’s Grant Email Notification Enrollment Form

Please fill-out the enrollment form below to be added to my Grant Email Notification system. My office will email you about potential grant opportunities in the areas of interest that you indicate on this form. Should you apply for a grant, I will be happy to write a letter of support for your application. To request a letter of support, or to get answers to any questions you may have about grant opportunities, please contact my office at Wicker_Grants@wicker.senate.gov.

In addition, you also can search for additional federal grant opportunities at the Catalog for Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) at www.cfda.gov and www.grants.gov

Examples of Subjects of Interest

Please note this is not a complete listing of the opportunities that may be available. These explanations are meant to serve as a reference to help provide additional information about the categories provided in this email notification program.

Agriculture and Farm Aid – research and direct aid for those involved in agricultural field

Airports – general and commercial aviation, technology, and commercial service

Arts and Humanities – operational support of institutions providing arts and humanities programs, protection of collections, exhibit or collection support, and other technical assistance.

Broadband Technology and Installation – development of new technology and expansion of service

Children’s Services – support for nonprofit, community and other groups that provide quality of life services to children. Examples could include camp scholarships, fieldtrips, or other activities.

Construction and Renovation of Facilities/Buildings – construction or renovation of facilities or buildings including historic structures

Disability Compliance and Services –compliance with federal disability laws and services to those with disabilities

Domestic Violence – services for victims of domestic violence

Education (Pre-K) – equipment, curriculum, and library support for early childhood initiatives

Education (K-12) – equipment, curriculum, and library support for elementary, middle and high school

Education (Post-Secondary) – equipment and curriculum for post secondary education

Education, Job Training & Workforce Development (Adult) – support for programs for adult job training, retraining, or other programs that increase the skills of the labor force

Emergency Preparedness – mitigation, preparedness, evacuation, sheltering, and planning resources

Energy (Technology and Conservation) – new technology, conservation, energy efficiency

Environment (Including Watersheds and Bank Erosion) – conservation and other support for environmentally sensitive land

Health (Clinical Services) –support for providing clinical services

Health (Education/Training) –training and educational opportunities for health care providers and educators

Health (IT/Equipment) –resources to upgrade IT and other equipment

Housing – counseling, rental assistance, homeownership programs, and homeowner down payment assistance.

Homelessness, Poverty & Feeding Programs – social services, food support, counseling, and shelter services

Industrial Development Support and Downtown Revitalization – increasing downtown business, infrastructure for economic development, and other recruiting tools for industrial development sites and downtowns

Justice System Services – support for the court system and the surrounding components such as drug courts

Libraries and Literacy Programs – digitization of records, training, expansion of materials, and support of literacy programs

Mental Health Services – direct services or studies for the benefit of mental health

Museum Exhibits or Programs – support of the creation, maintenance, cataloging, or operation of museum exhibits and programs

Parks and Recreation – playgrounds, nature trails, blueways, and other recreation opportunities

Police and Fire Support – crime reduction and prevention, equipment, hiring, and vehicles

Prisons and Jails – construction, renovation, and operational costs associated with prisons and jails

Road Construction – bridge and road construction

Small Business Services – professional services, conferences, and other support for small businesses

Substance Abuse Services – support for programs that provide the continuum of care of direct services to those with substance abuse problems.

Transportation (Excluding Road Construction and Airports) – mass transit, technology, and safety programs

Veterans’ Services – services that support the continuum of care for Veterans

Volunteerism – grants and other program that encourage, support, and recruit volunteers in their communities. Examples could include funds to complete volunteer projects and awards for outstanding volunteers.

Water/Wastewater Systems and Reservoirs – construction or maintenance of water and wastewater systems and reservoirs

Wildlife/Animal Issues – protection of animals both wild and domestic

Notification Information