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“Congress must pay for the bills it already committed. Republicans who are threatening to force America to default on its debt for the first time in our history will do great damage to our economy, to our middle class, and to our world standing. We must not forget that this type of rhetoric from House Republicans led to the first downgrade of our country’s credit rating, weakened our economy, and cost American taxpayers in 2011."

January 14, 2013

“President Obama has made the right choice in nominating Jack Lew to serve as our nation's next Secretary of the Treasury – selecting a public servant of dignity and commitment to help spur our economic growth, instill confidence in consumers and the markets, and protect and strengthen the middle class."

January 10, 2013

“Secretary Hilda Solis has established an extraordinary record as an unflinching advocate for American workers, a dedicated leader for the equality of women in the workplace, a critical voice for Democrats in Congress, and a bold leader in President Obama’s administration."

January 9, 2013

“Today, President Obama has asked Senator Hagel and John Brennan to stand by him to execute his policies and fulfill his duties as our Commander-in-Chief."

January 7, 2013

"Yesterday on the floor, I presented several issues that I think we can work together on, extend a hand of friendship to the Republicans to say, let's work together for job creation, for good paying jobs here in America, build our infrastructure, address our energy challenges, Make It In America so America's families can Make It In America; talked about the safety of the American people that we want to, again, we must work together in a bipartisan way in what the President has called the national conversation, Congress' role in that in terms of protecting our children in their schools, in their homes, in their neighborhoods and communities across the country..."

January 4, 2013