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Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel announced Thursday that $350,000 has been preliminarily appropriated for the Bronx Cluster of Settlement Houses in the FY 2010 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill.

Rep. Engel said, “The Bronx Cluster of Settlement Houses has a long history of helping the young people of the Bronx. The Bronx Cluster does this by giving them access to a variety of activities which includes: recreation, sports, academic enrichment, literacy and college guidance.

“The need for this money is demonstrated by the growing number of youth now attending and participating in the cluster programs. Through these programs, our young people benefit and our community thrives.”

The money will be used to support the staffing and other program needs to effectively implement the various services and activities of the settlement houses a well as providing youth development programs and delinquency prevention services.

“Through Congressman Engel’s intervention, he has singlehandedly rescued three major agencies youth programs for the northwest Bronx. Because of continued cuts in city and state funding, there would have been cuts and elimination of programs. We are all extremely appreciative of his efforts,” said Charlie Shayne, Executive Director of the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center.

This action was a preliminary step in a long process. The bill will now be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee, and then the full House. The Senate is also working on their version of the bill.

Rep. Engel added, “While this is only the beginning of the Appropriations process, I feel very good that funding for this important program was included in this measure. I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure this funding is preserved as the bill moves through the legislative process.”
