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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement after the Republican Majority sought to eliminate the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response program (SAFER) from the Department of Homeland Security in the FY 2011 budget.  Recently, Rep. Engel was instrumental in securing $4.8 million in SAFER funds for Yonkers to help them save the jobs of 16 firefighters.  The amendment eventually failed.

“Almost one month ago, I stood alongside the brave firefighters of Yonkers to announce that a federal grant would be able to save the jobs of 16 of them who were laid off due to budget shortfalls.  Fully-trained firefighters were able to be rehired to protect the people of Yonkers in the case of emergency.  The Republican Majority seems to forget what government actually does and not in the abstract.  Government workers fight fires and save lives.  Thankfully, we were able to pass a different amendment to protect the next wave of firefighters on the chopping block due to a city or county budget crunch.

“However, the fact that funding to save these jobs was targeted in the first place is highly disturbing to me.  Fires know no political affiliation and protecting our citizens from disaster should be free from partisan debate.  Even though this failed, I still find it puzzling that the Republican Majority barely blinks an eye when risking the jobs of firefighters and the safety of the people they protect, but will fight to the bitter end to protect tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, adding $700 billion to the deficit as a result.”
