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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement after the Republican Majority included devastating cuts to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in their FY2011 Continuing Resolution (CR).  The CR is designed to fund all federal government programs for the remainder of the fiscal year.

“It never seems to fail that as soon as Republicans get control of the gavel in the House of Representatives, one of their first targets is to cut funding for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting.  It’s déjà vu all over again. In fact, this is what I said on the floor of the House of Representatives almost 16 years ago when the then Republican Majority tried to defund public broadcasting, and with it the wonderful children’s programming that have shaped the minds of young Americans for over 40 years. 

 “Mr. Speaker, I am here to deliver one short concise, simple message to my colleagues: Do not kill Big Bird. Do not kill Big Bird by voting for mean-spirited Republican budget cuts on Public Broadcasting. Do not kill Big Bird in order to help finance tax breaks for the very wealthy in this country. Do not kill Big Bird in order to help finance a star wars program that this country neither wants or needs.

“Do not kill Big Bird because millions of American children, including my own three children, have grown up on Big Bird and ``Sesame Street'' and Mr. Rogers and Public Broadcasting. Do not kill Big Bird because Public Broadcasting works. Public Broadcasting is good for the American taxpayer and good for the American people.

“Do not kill Big Bird because the public-private partnership of Public Broadcasting is what has really proven to be successful in this country.  In short, Mr. Speaker, do not kill Big Bird.

“Almost that entire speech could be delivered today, only substituting tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans in place of the star wars defense program.  Along with cultural programming like ‘Masterpiece Theater’ and news shows such as ‘Wall Street Week’ and ‘PBS NewsHour,’ people of all ages would be affected by these cuts.  We should not be balancing our budget by taking away learning tools from children, while in turn giving generous tax breaks to the wealthiest of Americans.”
