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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) applauded the announcement from President Barack Obama that he is now officially supporting legalized same sex marriage.

“I was very proud today to see our President make a historic declaration in support of equal rights for all Americans.  It is quite symbolic to have this decision take place less than 24 hours after North Carolina passed a punitive law which restricted freedom.  I urge other states in the union to follow the lead of my home state of New York and pass laws allowing for equal rights to all of its citizens. No matter how opponents of same-sex marriage want to frame their argument, one thing is constant – discrimination is still discrimination and it should not be tolerated in any form. 

“This is not only a victory for the LGBT community, but for civil rights and equality in America.  I have long been an advocate for same sex marriage and equal rights for the LGBT community.  As one of only 67 House Members to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996, I look forward to the day where we can once and for all repeal this senseless legislation. 

“Same-sex couples work hard, pay their taxes, contribute to charity, and raise their families as best as they can.  They are our friends, family and neighbors, and should not be treated differently.  I am very pleased to see the leader of the free world agree with this position.”
