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Press Releases

"President Obama moved closer to the Republicans on rates, on tax rates, and said he is, in terms of spending cuts, he said he was willing to make more spending cuts – contrary to representations about his position that you may have heard. Every time we are close to a solution, whether it was a year and a half ago in the summer, or right now, the Republicans walk away. And when we thought we were close this week, the Republicans decided to follow another path, a path that led them over the cliff, a route in which they even did not have the votes. But that was then, this is now, let’s go back to the negotiating table. We have no right to walk out the door of Congress with no clear path to a resolution of this challenge..."
Friday, December 21, 2012
“All Americans are grateful to Secretary Hillary Clinton for her service to our nation and her diplomatic leadership over the past four years. She brought dignity, grace, persistence, and poise to the office, and by her actions, she helped strengthen our alliances, protect our national security, advance the cause of justice for women and girls, and secure peace worldwide."
Friday, December 21, 2012
“There is no greater investment than our children. Today’s grant victory reinforces the promise of the American Dream for San Francisco’s diverse and vibrant Mission neighborhood and Latino community.”
Friday, December 21, 2012
"You know there are 25 million working families would pay an average of $1,000 more in taxes under their tax bill that is on the floor today. Fifty-thousand dollar tax cut if you make a million dollars or more, in the middle class you pay $1,000 more."
Thursday, December 20, 2012
"As we gather here this afternoon on the floor of the House, the Republicans are bringing to the floor Plan B. As I’ve said to you before, Plan B is to send a bill to your children and grandchildren in order to give a tax cut to the wealthiest people in our country, and still those making over a million dollars get a $50,000 tax cut, we’ll add nearly a half a trillion dollars to the deficit. A half a trillion dollars to the deficit. Again, 25 million working families, under this Plan B, will pay an average $1,000 more in taxes. Some of that by harming the Child Tax Credit, and other provisions, others of it in this bill that comes up after this – their bill, their reconciliation bill – more than 20 million children will have reduced food and nutrition benefits. Merry Christmas to you and yours. 1.7 million seniors will lose Meals on Wheels. Happy Holidays to you…"
Thursday, December 20, 2012
“Our Democratic Caucus is the most diverse in the history of Congress, and each of our Members will bring a unique perspective to the great challenges of our day – from job creation and economic growth to innovation, education reform, and clean energy development,” Leader Pelosi said. “On every committee, our colleagues will offer their experience, passion, and persistence to the task of effectively and faithfully serving the American people.”
Thursday, December 20, 2012
"What it comes down to is that Democrats believe that our democracy depends on a thriving middle class. That our economic security, for our families and for our country, depends on us having a bold, balanced, and big package of, to put forward. But it’s sad about what is happening tomorrow, unless there are some other actions that accompany it, are that it takes us over the cliff, it does not avoid sequestration, it does not [prevent] the possibility that our credit rating will be downgraded, it does not create jobs, it does not instill confidence in consumers and in the markets, and it does not provide us with the down payment that we are told is necessary by the markets to instill that confidence, to be the down payment for us to go into the next year and address the tax code for fairness and a tax code that will energize our economy, to address our investments so that we’re investing in the future while making wise spending cuts and prolonging the life of Social Security and Medicare by addressing those issues, again, in a bipartisan way after the first of the year."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
“Here in Congress, what we need now are not more words; what we need is action. We must take action to protect our children from harm, to preserve the safety of our schools, and to keep our communities safe. We must take action so that we can tell our children that we are doing everything in our power to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again..."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
“As we mourn the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, we must respond with more than words; we must take action. We must be able to tell our children that we are doing everything in our power to prevent this from happening again,” Leader Pelosi said. “I am pleased to appoint Congressman Thompson to lead our task force to reduce and prevent gun violence. He is a Vietnam veteran and an avid hunter, and he is ideally suited to lead this effort, working with the Administration and in a bipartisan way, to ban assault weapons and assault magazines.”
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
“So, with that I’m honored to join the Massachusetts delegation to sing the praises of two great leaders, I say different in terms of style, but significant, both of them, in their contribution to our country, Congressman, otherwise known as Chairman John Olver, the cardinal from the Appropriations Committee and Chairman Barney Frank. It’s an honor to serve with you, a privilege to call you friend. Thank you for your service to our country."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012