VideoLAN association
Un projet et une association loi 1901, composée de bénévoles, développant et faisant la promotion de solutions libres pour le multimédia.
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VLC media player

VLC est un lecteur multimédia gratuit et libre et un système capable de lire la plupart des fichiers multimédias ainsi que des DVD, des CD Audio, des VCD, et divers protocoles de streaming.
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VideoLAN est une association loi 1901.
Tous nos frais sont couverts par les dons que nous recevons de nos utilisateurs. Si vous appréciez notre travail, contribuez!
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VideoLAN dévelope des logiciels libres.
Si vous avez les compétences et le désir d'améliorer un de nos produits ou d'ajouter des nouvelles fonctionnalités, vous le pouvez.
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Nous pensons que VideoLAN offre des logiciels gratuites d'excellente qualité. Si vous êtes d'accord merci de nous aider à faire passer le mot sur notre logiciel.
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Nouveautés et Mises à jours

VLC 2.0.5

VideoLAN and the VLC development team are happy to present the sixth version of "Twoflower", a minor update that improves the overall stability.
Notable changes include improved reliability for MKV file playback, fixed MPEG2 audio and video encoding, pulseaudio synchronization, Mac OS interface, and other fixes. It also resolves potential security issues in HTML subtitle parser, freetype renderer, AIFF demuxer and SWF demuxer.
More info in the release notes.
We would like to remind our users that some VideoLAN team members are trying to raise money for VLC for Windows Metro on Kickstarter.

VLC for the new Windows 8 User Experience fundraiser

Today, some VideoLAN team members launched a fundraiser on Kickstarter to support a port to the new User Experience on Windows 8 (aka "Metro") and Windows RT. Find out more.

VideoLAN Security Advisory 1203

VLC media player versions 2.0.3 and older suffer from a critical buffer overflow vulnerability. Refer to our advisory for technical details. A fix for this issue is already available in VLC 2.0.4. We strongly recommend all users to update to this new version.

VLC 2.0.4

VideoLAN and the VLC development team present the fifth version of "Twoflower", a major update that fixes a lot of regressions, issues and security issues in this branch.
It introduces Opus support, improves Youtube, Vimeo streams and Blu-Ray dics support. It also fixes many issues in playback, notably on Ogg and MKV playback and audio device selections and a hundred of other bugs.
More info in the release notes.

Updated 2.0.3 builds for Mac OS X

A small number of users on specific setups experienced audio issues with the latest version of VLC media player for Mac OS X. If you are affected, please download VLC again and replace the existing installation. If you're not, there is nothing to do.

Blogs de développeurs

Felix Paul Kühne: Goal reached! Additional ideas!

Last night, we reached the goal of our fundraiser for VLC for Windows 8, RT and Phone. We are enormously proud of the result and stunned by the support of the folks who made this possible. Any further money coming in will greatly speed u[...]

Felix Paul Kühne: Updates on the VLC for Windows 8, RT and Phone fundraiser

On Tuesday, we pushed a 2nd update on our fundraiser for VLC for Windows 8, RT and Phone. It includes a first mockup of the application interface on Windows 8. We are proud of the positive feedback and we are looking forward to yours! Y[...]

Felix Paul Kühne: VLC 2.0.5

Today, we released VLC 2.0.5. This is a minor update to VLC's 2.0.x series, which improves the overall stability of our application. It's available for download now as well as through the in-app updater on Mac OS X. We will push the upda[...]

Jean-Baptiste Kempf: Why we need a KickStarter for VLC on Metro

KickStarter for VLC on Metro As you might have heard, some developers of the VideoLAN team have started a kickstarter quest to crowdfound a port of VLC on WinRT. The reason for this kickstarter is that porting VLC to WinRT will be hard [...]

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2012-10-03 01:45 @__s_a_m_u_e_l it should be ok :)

2012-10-03 10:38 RT @aprilorg: The Unitary Patent back in the European Parliament on October, 11th 2012 #april

2012-10-03 10:22 @djaquay change country ? :)

2012-10-03 10:22 @MyKey_ a subset of Dash, indeed...