
Pelosi: This Doesn't Have To Be A Cliffhanger

NancyPelosiNancyPelosi·2,155 videos
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Published on Nov 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

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  • judyleasugar97

    The money Obama spent for the most part went to save this country from another Great Depression. A good investment.

    I can think for myself. Perhaps you're just not well informed. I would suggest reading a newspaper instead of listening to some Republican think tank.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • Jerry Jackson

    You are right they were small potatoes but it was still my tax money they dove out. I also see that you can not think for yourself and it is a waste of time to exchange comments with you. I want you to remember what I shared with you one day. But at that time it could be to late to turn this nation around. You will reflect on what several good people were sharing, that Obama and the Democrats are ruining this country. I do wish you the best in the future and my God Bless You and Yours.


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    in reply to judyleasugar97 (Show the comment)
  • judyleasugar97

    It is a load of horse manure and Republican propaganda that banks, which basically RUN Washington, DO ANYTHING THEY DON'T WANT TO DO, in other words can be forced to make loans they don't want to make. LMFAO. I would point to the fact that the execs of these very banks who made bets (derivatives) on the failure of the economy, in other words, THEY WANTED THE ECONOMY TO FAIL.

    The programs you mention are small potatoes compared to war spending, tax cuts for rich, etc.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • Jerry Jackson

    Now you tell me how we got the debt and none of this it was all Bush's fault. That is not cutting the mustered anymore. I am sick and tired of hearing it is Bush's fault. Get real and open your eyes. You and a lot like you are blinded. I am neither Republican or Democrat. You say the debt is less, prove to me that it is. Put it down in black and white. Maybe you can solve this nation's problem. Go on and show what you know and back it up with facts.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • Jerry Jackson

    First of all Bush had a democrat house and senate that allowed for the banking regulation to be so relax. This allow for many people to get into a house that really could not aford it. This is a brake down of his spending. Fannie and Freddie - 187.5 Billion, TARP - 475 Billion, Auto Companies - 79.7 Billion, AIG - 67.8 Billion, Toxic Asset Purchases - 18.4 Billion, Mortgage Mod Program - 4 Billion, State Housing Programs - 1.5, Small Business Loan Aid 368.1,FHA Refinance Program - 50 Billion,


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    in reply to judyleasugar97 (Show the comment)
  • judyleasugar97

    Much of what you refer to is projected debt / deficit. Actual debt is less. You guys never take into account Obama spending didn't go into effect until a year after he entered office. 3 trillion of Bush spending was put on the nation's credit card. Obama, who put this money on the budget, was blamed for it, but it wasn't his doing. Can you tell me specifically what Obama spent money on that amounted this this staggering sum? And don't refer to wars, tax cuts, medicare d, because that was BUSH.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • Jerry Jackson

    Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling and the GOP does not want that to happen because they need to keep it where it is now and start cutting spending. The GOP would raise taxes by changing some of the loop holes which mean yes in a way tax revenue will increase and most of that will hit the wealthy and the upper middle class. But the main thing is the spending has to be cut. Like it or not.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • Jerry Jackson

    The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office. The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day.

    If Mr. Obama budget projections prove accurate, Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016.


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    in reply to judyleasugar97 (Show the comment)
  • judyleasugar97

    The majority of the debt / deficit was incurred by GEORGE BUSH: 2 wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and Medicare part D, a giveaway to the parma and insurance companies. Why didn't you people complain when Bush was putting us in debt? Didn't hear a peep then. Obama has only spent 1/6 what Bush did. Obamacare reduces healthcare costs by eliminating debt.

    Btw, the debt has ACTUALLY GONE DOWN under Obama, if you would find out the facts.


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    in reply to Jerry Jackson (Show the comment)
  • judyleasugar97

    Obama submitted a plan for across the board cuts. The GOP rejected it. Can't ask the super rich for a little contribution.


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    in reply to Anthony Hegstrom (Show the comment)
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