
How Obamacare Helps All Americans

CongresswomanBrownCongresswomanBrown·60 videos
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Published on Jul 10, 2012

On July 9, 2012, Congresswoman Corrine Brown detailed the many, many ways Obamacare has benefited seniors, children, young adults and those with insurance. Health care reform shows that President Barack Obama cares.

Before Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, nearly one in five citizens in the wealthiest country on earth had little or no hope of affording insurance and access to regular healthcare. In the wealthiest country on earth, more than 83,000 racial and ethnic minorities die every year because they lack access to high quality, culturally competent health care. When fully implemented, the Affordable Care Act will cover an additional 30 million Americans and 3.8 million African Americans who otherwise would remain uninsured.

Moreover, people forget that the Affordable Care Act is about more than expanding insurance coverage. The Act provides tax credits for small businesses, enhances patients' rights, guarantees preventative services, reduces drug costs for seniors, increases funding for research, adds primary care doctors, funds new community health centers, and creates many, many other improvements to our healthcare system. By the way, according to the Congressional Budget Office, it will also reduce the deficit by $200-$300 billion in the next ten years and far more after that.

Already under the Affordable Care Act:
· 17 million children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage.
· 105 million Americans no longer have a lifetime limit on their coverage.
· 32.5 million seniors received free preventive services in 2011.
· 54 million Americans in private plans have received free preventive services.
· 6.6 million young adults up to age 26 have obtained insurance through their parents' plan.
· 5.2 million seniors and disabled people saved an average of $704 each on prescription drugs.
· 360,000 small businesses received tax credits to help them afford coverage for 2 million workers.
· 13 million families will receive insurance premium rebates averaging $151 in 2012.

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