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Heart Health

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  • December 12, 2012

    Smoking puts women at higher risk for sudden death

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that smoking is bad for health, upping the risk of lung and other cancers as well as heart disease. But a new study pinpoints just how deadly lighting up can be for women's hearts

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that smoking is bad for health, upping the risk of lung and other cancers as well as heart disease. But a new study pinpoints just how deadly lighting up can be for women's hearts

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Dr. Manny's Notes

  • Stem cell fertility treatments could be risky for older women

    Harvard scientists are challenging traditional medical logic that dictates that women are born with a finite amount of eggs. The scientists said they have discovered the ovaries of young women harbor rare stem cells that are in fact capable of producing new eggs

    Harvard scientists are challenging traditional medical logic that dictates that women are born with a finite amount of eggs.  The scientists said they have discovered the ovaries of young women harbor rare stem cells that are in fact capable of producing new eggs

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