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12:36 pm ET January 21, 2013

President Obama Addresses Gay Rights in Inaugural Remarks –‘Our Journey Is Not Complete Until Gay Americans Are Treated Like Anyone Else’

In his inauguration address, President Obama laid out the tasks ahead for this generation, stressing that the truth that “all of us are created equal” as “the star that guides us still.”

He said, “It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, (More…)

12:32 pm ET January 21, 2013

TRANSCRIPT: Read Invocation by Myrlie Evers-Williams From 2013 Presidential Inauguration

Below is the full transcript of the invocation read by historic civil rights advocate Myrlie Evers-Williams at the January 21, 2013 Inauguration of President Barack Obama.

WATCH: Myrlie Evers-Williams Delivers Inaugural Invocation

America, we are here, our nation’s capital, on this day, January the 21st, 2013, the inauguration of our 45th president, Barack Obama. We come at this time to ask blessings upon our leaders, the president, vice president, members of Congress, all elected and appointed officials of the
United States of America.

We are here to ask blessings upon our armed forces, blessings upon all who contribute to the essence of the American spirit, the American dream, the opportunity to become whatever our mankind, womankind allows us to be. This is the promise of America.

As we sing the words of belief, “This Is My Country,” let us act upon the meaning that everyone is included. May the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of every woman, man, boy and girl be honored. May all your people, especially the least of these, flourish in our blessed nation.

One hundred-fifty years after the Emancipation (More…)

12:07 pm ET January 21, 2013

VIDEO, TRANSCRIPT: President Obama Delivers Inaugural Address

President Barack Obama delivered his inaugural address today on Capitol Hill, officially beginning his second term in office.

Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, (More…)

12:05 pm ET January 21, 2013

WATCH: Myrlie Evers-Williams Delivers Invocation at President Obama’s Inauguration

Moments ago, Myrlie Evers-Williams, the widow of civil rights leader Medgar Evers, delivered the invocation at President Obama’s inauguration.

In her remarks, she said, “One-hundred fifty years after the Emancipation Proclamation and fifty years after the March on Washington, we celebrate the spirit of our ancestors, which has allowed us to move from a nation of unborn hopes and a history of disenfranchised hopes to today’s expression of a more perfect union.” (More…)

12:00 pm ET January 21, 2013

TRANSCRIPT: Read President Obama’s 2013 Inauguration Speech

Below are the remarks of President Barack Obama, as prepared for delivery, given at his second Inauguration as President of the United States.

FULL VIDEO: Watch President Obama’s Inauguration Speech, See Full Highlights

Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, (More…)

11:36 am ET January 21, 2013

Inaugural Fashion 101: What Is Michelle Obama Wearing?

First Lady Michelle Obama is wearing a navy Thom Browne coat and dress for today’s presidential inauguration. The fabric was developed based on the style of a men’s silk tie. The belt she is wearing is from J.Crew; the cardigan is designed by Reed Krakoff and her necklace is designed by Cathy Waterman. She is also wearing J.Crew shoes.

At the end of the inaugural festivities, the outfit and accompanying accessories will go to the National Archives.

11:33 am ET January 21, 2013

PHOTO: Massive Crowds Gather to Watch President Obama’s Inauguration

Take a look at the massive crowds in front of the Capitol as President Obama’s second inauguration gets underway. The number of people in attendance is expected to be half of what it was for President Obama’s first swearing-in.

Tune in to Fox News Channel for complete coverage.

11:30 am ET January 21, 2013

PHOTO: First Lady Michelle Obama Enters Capitol Stage at Inauguration

Take a look at first lady Michelle Obama, entering the stage in front of the Capitol ahead of the inauguration of husband Barack Obama. The first lady wore a huge smile as she went to her seat.

Stay tuned for more highlights and updates from the historic event.

11:04 am ET January 21, 2013

PHOTO: Former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Attend Inauguration

Former President Bill Clinton and wife Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paused for a moment in the foyer before entering the seating area in front of the Capitol at Monday’s inaugural events for Barack Obama.

Secretary of State Clinton will be stepping down from her role in President Obama’s cabinet during his second term; Sen. John Kerry has been nominated to replace her.

10:42 am ET January 21, 2013

AP: U.S. Official Says Two More Americans Killed in Algeria Gas Plant Attack

Bill Hemmer just told us of reports that two more Americans have been confirmed dead after the terrorist raid on a gas plant in Algeria, bringing the total to three Americans.

Below is more from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says two more Americans were killed in the hostage standoff at a natural gas complex in Algeria, taking the final U.S. death toll to three U.S. citizens.

Seven Americans made it out safely. (More…)

9:41 am ET January 21, 2013

SCHEDULE: Timing of Inauguration Day Events

Below is a rundown of the timing of today’s Inauguration Day festivities:

8:45a ET President and Mrs. Obama attend prayer service at St. John’s Church
10a ET President and First Lady host tea with JCCIC members at White House
10:35a ET President & Mrs. Obama, and VIPs depart the White House en route Capitol Hill
11:12a ET Dr. Jill Biden announced and seated
11:14a ET First Lady Michelle Obama announced and seated
11:18a ET Vice President Joe Biden announced and seated
11:20a ET President Barack Obama announced and seated
11:30a ET Chairman Schumer delivers opening remarks
11:35a ET Invocation by Myrlie Evers-Williams
11:38a ET Brooklyn Tabernacle performs
11:46a ET Vice Presidential Oath administered by Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
11:46a ET Herald Trumpets perform four “Ruffles and Flourishes” and U.S. Marine Band performs “Hail Columbia”
11:50a ET James Taylor performs “America the Beautiful” (More…)

9:18 am ET January 21, 2013

Previewing President Obama’s Inaugural Address

At noon today, President Obama will take the oath of office and deliver his inaugural address. As is typical for such speeches, the president’s remarks are expected to be about grand themes as opposed to specific policy. In the light of what many consider toxic partisanship in Washington, the president is going to talk about the importance of finding common ground. (More…)

9:02 am ET January 21, 2013

Nevada State Assemblyman Arrested for Threatening to Harm Fellow Dem Lawmaker

A Democratic assemblyman in Nevada was arrested over the weekend for threatening to physically harm another lawmaker. Steven Brooks, 40, was taken into custody Sunday at his Las Vegas home and faces a felony count of intimidating a public officer by threat of physical violence.

Here is more on the story from Associated Press:

Assembly Majority Leader William Horne, D-Las Vegas, declined to comment on the target of the threat but said he and Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick have been provided security protection because of it. (More…)

8:44 am ET January 21, 2013

WATCH: Joe Biden Slips Up, Says ‘I’m Proud to Be President’ at Weekend Celebration

Let’s kick off Inauguration Day with yet another slip of the tongue from Joe Biden.

At an event Saturday night in D.C., the vice president mistakenly said, “I’m proud to be President of the United States.” Biden was speaking at the State Society of Iowa’s “First in the Nation Celebration.”

Some say the 70-year-old is already considering a run for president in 2016! (More…)

8:06 am ET January 21, 2013

What Will Obama’s Next 4 Years Look Like?

Neil Cavuto’s live in D.C. covering Obama’s historic inauguration, and taking a look ahead to the next four years.

Tune in to ‘Your World’ — 4p ET on FNC.

8:04 am ET January 21, 2013

Special Primetime Inauguration Coverage!

It’s inauguration night, and Sean’s LIVE, recapping the day’s historic events on a special ‘Hannity.’

Then, the Obamas take the stage! Greta’s on the scene for the night’s festivities and all the Inaugural balls.

Don’t miss a special ‘Hannity’ and ‘On The Record’ – it all starts Monday at 9p ET.

4:45 pm ET January 20, 2013

READ: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Fourth Inaugural Address in 1945

President Obama will take his fourth oath of office on Monday, tying him with Franklin D. Roosevelt for the most of any U.S. president. The reason for President Obama’s four? Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed his lines in 2009 and had to start over. According to the Constitution, presidents begin their new terms at noon on January 20th. This year, that date falls on Sunday — a day on which inaugural ceremonies historically are not held. A public swearing in will take place on Monday, January 21st, making it the fourth oath that President Obama will take.

As for FDR, he was elected four times prior to the passage of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution which set a term limit.

Read his fourth inaugural address below and check out his first inaugural address here.

Fourth Inaugural Address
January 20, 1945

“Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, my friends:

You will understand and, I believe, agree with my wish that the form of this inauguration be simple and its words brief. (More…)

3:00 pm ET January 20, 2013

Death Toll at Algerian Gas Plant Rises to at Least 81


The death toll from the bloody terrorist siege at a natural gas plant in the Sahara climbed to at least 81 on Sunday as Algerian forces searching the complex for explosives found dozens more bodies, many so badly disfigured they could not immediately be identified, a security official said.

Algerian special forces stormed the facility on Saturday to end the four-day siege of the remote desert refinery, and the government said then that 32 militants and 23 hostages were killed, but that the death toll was likely to rise. (More…)

1:27 pm ET January 20, 2013

Inaugural Address Preview: What Will Be President Obama’s Message?

President Obama was officially sworn in during a private ceremony today. Tomorrow he’ll take the oath of office publicly and deliver his anticipated inaugural speech. What message can we expect to hear from the 44th president?

Charles Krauthammer expects it will be non-partisan, contrary to his prediction for the State of the Union address. “It will be interesting to see if any of this animus towards Republicans or conservatives or opponents appears in the inaugural address. I would suspect (More…)