New Dems Applaud Passage of Small Business Research and Innovation Act

Washington D.C. - Today, the New Democrat Coalition and the Coalition Innovation and Competitiveness Task Force, led by Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) and Ron Kind (WI-3) released the following statement in response to passage of The Enhancing Small Business Research and Innovation Act of 2009 (H.R. 2965), introduced by Rep. Jason Altmire a member of the New Dems:


"Investments in research and innovation are a must if the United States is going to remain competitive in the global market. In particular, we must foster and support the work of our nation's high-tech small businesses because they are the creative force behind the development of new, 21st century products. It is these hi-tech small businesses that will be vital for our country's economic recovery and for future economic growth.

"The small business innovation and technology programs expanded in legislation passed yesterday by the U.S. House of Representatives will continue our investment in innovation, small businesses and foster future development and growth. The New Democrats applaud the work of the Small Business Committee and House Leadership on the passage of this legislation. It will provide much-needed support for our country's small businesses to invest in the next generation of creative commercial products. Additionally, the Coalition congratulates New Dem members, Representatives Smith and Kosmas for their work to ensure the measure expands access to these programs for small businesses."

The New Democrat Coalition is comprised of members committed to enacting policies that empower the U.S. to grow economically, maintain its competitiveness in the global marketplace, continue to be the world's leaders in innovation and technological advancement, and strengthen our economic and national security. The Coalition is dedicated to providing the leadership necessary to implement policies that will ensure that America maintains its prosperity and global leadership.

Statement supported by New Democrat Coalition Competitiveness Task Force Co-Chairs Representative Ron Kind (WI-03) and Representative Rush Holt (NJ-12) along with the Coalition Leadership including Representative Joseph Crowley (NY-07), Representative Ron Kind (WI-03), Representative Melissa Bean (IL-08),Representative Allyson Schwartz (PA-13) and Representative Adam Smith (WA-09).
