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RepRibble's channel

34 subscribers
9,599 video views
  • TKDMike58
    TKDMike58 posted a comment
    8 months ago


  • WesSeid
    WesSeid posted a comment
    9 months ago

    I noticed Congressman Ribble has stood against things like the NDAA and stood for things like auditing The Fed. Maybe there is some hope for the Republican Party after all. Hopefully he will also stand up against things like Paul Ryan's ridiculous and absurd "fiscally conservative" budgets that add 4-5 trillion to the debt the first 10 years and don't balance the budget for decades. Your grandkids will be middle aged before Paul Ryan's plan balances the budget.

  • joeeast100
    joeeast100 posted a comment
    10 months ago

    Keep up the Great Work Congressman Ribble. This Country and the 8th District need your Small Bussiness Leadership and Views. This country, our country, needs to stop growing intrusive government, and needs to start talking about small businessnes and christianity. Big government has become all the conversation and eveywhere in our lifes. That is wrong-this country should be always talking about people becomming business owners and thier faiths. this is what you are about-keep up the Great work!

  • vstasov
    vstasov posted a comment
    10 months ago

    I have no confidence in you, RR.

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