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Economy & Jobs

Encouraging economic growth and addressing the unacceptably high rate of unemployment in America remain two of Jim's highest priorities. He believes the government must create an environment in which private-sector jobs can expand, while providing reasonable assistance through unemployment insurance and other government programs to those who have lost their jobs in this troubling economic environment. 

Jim will support legislation to create sustainable jobs by providing incentives to businesses and consumers to invest and expand, which will ultimately grow the economy.  Small businesses represent more than 99 percent of all U.S. employers, employ 51 percent of private-sector workers, and account for nearly all self-employed Americans.  By putting money back in the hands of small business, the backbone of our economy, we will build the foundation for a strong job market.  Bringing jobs back into Ohio’s 16th District and around the United States is a top priority.

In April 2011, the unemployment rate in Stark County was 9.2 percent... in Canton, it was 10.5 percent. Having created over 1,500 jobs in northeast Ohio and having employed over 3,000 people, Jim understands what it takes to grow American business and keep and create jobs for American workers.

For American companies and workers to succeed in a global economy, the federal government must allow American business to remain competitive. America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, a tax rate that repels new investment and job creation in the U.S., while pushing countless jobs and business overseas. Jim stands with American workers and employers in the fight for much needed tax relief for American businesses.


For more information about the Economy & Jobs, please visit the following websites:

Ohio Department of Commerce

The Federal Government’s Official Jobs Site

U. S. Department of Commerce

U. S. Department of Labor


If you would like to share how government regulations are holding your business back, please submit your comments to me via the Listening to America's Job Creators program.