Rep Donna F Edwards

Rep Donna F Edwards


Congresswoman representing Maryland's 4th Congressional District

Washington, D.C.

Thank u 4 your leadership. Let's get this done. Meaningful action: 100% background chk, ban assault weapons, no lge cap mag.

Thank u @repcmcarthyny 4 your leadership. Let's get this done. Meaningful action: 100% background chk, ban assault weapons, no lge cap mag.

MT : According to law enforcement source a 3rd weapon was found on the scene, a .223 Bushmaster - others are Glock & Sig-Sauer

"While nothing can fill the space of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need" —President Obama

Dear Colleagues: it's time 2 act to control access 2 handguns. This not about ducks & deer. I pray for the victims. I pray for our courage.

So-called "right to work" legislation is bad for workers, bad for our economy, and bad for America’s middle class.

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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