Senate Democrats

Senate Democrats


News and reactions from staff at the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee

Washington, DC ·

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Unacceptable for House to hold middle class tax cuts hostage. If they don't act, middle class families will pay $2k more next year.

We should not let middle class families face a $2,000 tax hike in 21 days. What does $2K mean for your family? Reply with

Pushing for tax cuts for people making $250k/yr or less. It's something we can all agree on, so let's do it now!

House should take up Senate bill to extend the middle class tax cuts. They shouldn't be held hostage for bonus breaks for the best off

Holding 98%+ of families hostage for tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% is not how we get to a balanced, bipartisan compromise

, what does $2,200 mean to you & your family? Tweet w/. I'll RT select responses on Fri. 

Holiday shopping season is here—if the House fails to extend tax cuts, owners, consumers&our economy will suffer

Senate passed mid-class tax cuts in July; House GOP should end the uncertainty & pass it TODAY; important to all in

House should pass middle-class tax cut bill. Only 25 days until taxes rise for 13.2 million CA families—we can’t let this happen.

It is time that the House Republicans do the business their constituents sent them here to do&pass the middle class tax cut

The Senate passed the Middle Class Tax Cuts Act in July. In this speech, I called on the House to do the same:

An poll found that 60% of Americans support raising taxes on those making more than $250k per year.

Murray: Nobody thinks should go up for 98% of workers & 97% of owners. This should be easy.

MT SBM poll: Majority of think allowing tax cuts for top 2% to expire at end of year is right thing to do

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