Sen Dianne Feinstein

Sen Dianne Feinstein


United States Senator from California. On Facebook at:

California ·

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I am horrified and incensed by today’s tragedy in Connecticut. We mourn for those killed and families devastated.

Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to approve 6,000 page report on the CIA’s detention & interrogation program.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the senseless shooting in Clackamas, Oregon.

Good news: Senate today confirmed Judge Jesus Bernal as U.S. District Court Judge for California’s Central District.

Cable, satellite and phone-based TV providers agreed to more energy-efficient set-top boxes—will save billions.

71 years ago the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Take a moment to remember and honor the lives lost that day.

Met with Staff Sgt. Matthew Senna, 2012 Noncommissioned Officer of the Year and a Folsom, Calif., native.

House should pass middle-class tax cut bill. Only 25 days until taxes rise for 13.2 million CA families—we can’t let this happen.

Women account for 1/3 of U.S. doctors & lawyers, up from less than 10% in 1970. Proud of progress, but long way to go.

It’s good news that the weeklong LA/Long Beach port strike is over. Thanks to Mayor and for their efforts.

Disappointed the was not ratified. Would have helped extend rights to persons with disabilities around the world.

If Congress doesn't act, middle-class would see taxes rise by avg of $2,200. What does $2,200 mean to you? Tell me with

Pleased my amdt to prevent indefinite detention of citizens w/o trial/charge PASSED w/ broad bipartisan support.

Met w/ Salahuddin Rabbani—Chairman, High Peace Council of Afghanistan—about how we can achieve peace in Afghanistan.

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