
Our nation has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. 2013 MUST be the year of spending cuts and debt reduction:

Last night I supported the compromise with important reservations. Read more on where I stand:

Still waiting to give my last House speech. Will be up soon. Thank you for all your messages.

Looks like I will get one last speech in on the floor of the House this morning just after 10am . Thank you for all your support. 🇺🇸

Despite having a bill ready, House Republican leaders chose to recess rather than take up much needed aid. Disgraceful.

I voted for the fiscal cliff deal but feel strongly that we should work on long term solutions rather than react to self-imposed crises

Pls RT: Compound interest on debt cant be fixed w/ rises or cuts. Need monetary reform. Speaking @ noon on

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Safe New Year in 2013. May God bless you and your family.

At studios, about to go on in a few minutes, around 9.15am. Watch if you can. Deal. 🎉 !!🎉

"Who is our government working for?" Giving 1 minute speech live on just after 10amET. Watch if you can.

Attempt the impossible. Todays : "Benefit by doing things that others give up on". Join me & help turn things around. .

Thoughts and prayers are with General Schwartzkopf's family. He was a true American hero who saved many lives in combat!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! As we spend this time with family and friends let us keep in our prayers...

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