Rep. Bill Huizenga

Rep. Bill Huizenga


I serve the people of the 2nd District of Michigan. Member of Financial Services Committee. Father of 5. Visit for even more!

2nd District, MI ·

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

May God give comfort and peace to the families of the victims and our whole nation as we grieve this tragedy in Connecticut.

Words can't express the terrible tragedy that has unfolded today in CT. My heart goes out to the families of those affected.

QE 1, 2, 3 & twist failed to address the underlying problems w/ the economy how will ? Simply throwing away more $ we don't have

The Senate has passed my legislation 2 protect your sensitive financial information, next stop POTUS' desk!

2/3 of manufacturers pay taxes at the individual rate. a tax increase on individuals is a a tax increase on job creators.

Where is the outline of President Obama's spending cuts? With the nation $16 Trillion in debt, it's clear its a spending problem

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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