Contact Senator Coburn

Contact Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Please use the following form to contact Senator Tom Coburn with your comments and concerns. If you are an Oklahoman resident, please include your full name and address if you wish to receive a written response. If you are interested in scheduling a tour, please click here to fill out a tour request form.

Due to the increasing amount of "spam" messages received, effective February 5, 2007, Dr. Coburn's office will be implementing changes to the constituent correspondence process. These so-called spam messages, usually form letters written by special interest groups, have hindered replies to the letters of individual Oklahomans. The new measures will help ensure Dr. Coburn's office can focus on responding to the concerns and addressing the priorities of Oklahomans rather than Washington, D.C.-based groups.

Should you experience any problems with the new procedures, please call Dr. Coburn's office (Washington: 202-224-5754; Tulsa: 918-581-7651; Oklahoma City: 405-231-4941) and the staff will be happy to guide you through the correspondence process.

Trying to locate a recent report on the website?

  • For "Back in Black: A Deficit Reduction Plan", Dr. Coburn's $9 trillion deficit reduction proposal, click here.
  • For a running blog of daily and weekly updates, please visit the "Right Now" section.

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