
Pass the Baton - Rep. Elijah Cummings

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Published on Nov 5, 2012

Congressman Elijah Cummings tells a very moving story of what he saw at a polling station recently in his district in Baltimore. It captures beautifully what this election is about. A woman close to 90 years of age says she is voting for the last time in her life. She entrusts Rep. Cummings with the message she wants to pass on the baton to the next generation, and Rep. Cummings shares that message with us.

While expressing the reverence and love he has for this woman, Rep. Cummings also points woman would not have been able to vote with the kind of voter ID laws passed in some states this year.

A must for anyone who's thinking about not voting this year. This is part of a new documentary series, Story of America: A Nation Divided.

Story of America: A Nation Divided is a web series to be developed into a full-length documentary that engages Americans from across the country in a dialogue about the deep divisions that exist in America today and how we can bridge them to achieve greater unity, democracy and prosperity as a nation.

Join our journey http://www.storyofamerica.org. Share your stories of what it means to be an American today and find solutions to how we can heal the divide in our country.

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About Congressman Elijah Cummings http://www.cummings.house.gov/
Music by Michael Brook: http://www.michaelbrookmusic.com
Video by Eric Byler, Annabel Park, Michael Levin

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