var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /************************************* * Common *************************************/ /************************************* * Robohelp Links *************************************/ var helpLinks = { "simpleSearch": "index.html#simple_search.htm", "advancedSearch": "index.html#advanced_search.htm", "citationSearch": "index.html#retrieve_by_citation.htm", "aboutGovtPubs": "index.html#about_government_publications.htm", "FR": "index.html#about_federal_register.htm", "BILLS": "index.html#about_congressional_bills.htm", "BUDGET": "index.html#about_budget_of_the_united_states_government.htm", "CDOC": "index.html#about_congressional_documents.htm", "CHRG": "index.html#about_congressional_hearings.htm", "CREC": "index.html#about_congressional_record.htm", "CRPT": "index.html#about_congressional_reports.htm", "CPD": "index.html#about_compilation_of_presidential_documents.htm", "PLAW": "index.html#about_public_and_private_laws.htm", "CRI": "index.html#about_congressional_record_index.htm", "ECONI": "index.html#about_economic_indicators.htm", "LSA": "index.html#about_list_of_cfr_sections_affected.htm", "HOB": "index.html#about_history_of_bills.htm", "CPRT": "index.html#about_congressional_committee_prints.htm", "CCAL": "index.html#about_congressional_calendars.htm", "CFRPARTS": "index.html#about_cfr_parts_affected_from_the_federal_register.htm", "GOVMAN": "index.html#about_united_states_government_manual.htm", "GAOREPORTS": "index.html#about_gao_reports_and_comptroller_general_decisions.htm", "CRECB": "index.html#about_congressional_record_bound_edition.htm", "ERP": "index.html#about_economic_report_of_the_president.htm", "CDIR": "index.html#about_congressional_directory.htm", "STATUTE": "index.html#about_united_states_statutes_at_large.htm", "PPP": "index.html#about_public_papers_of_the_presidents_of_the_united_states.htm", "CFR": "index.html#about_code_of_federal_regulations.htm", "USCODE": "index.html#about_united_states_code.htm", "GPO": "index.html#about_additional_government_publications.htm", "SMAN": "index.html#about_senate_manual.htm", "HMAN": "index.html#about_house_rules_and_manual.htm", "PAI": "index.html#about_privacy_act_issuances.htm", "ERIC": "index.html#about_education_reports_from_eric.htm", "HJOURNAL": "index.html#about_journal_of_the_house_of_representatives.htm", "UA": "index.html#about_unified_agenda.htm", "CZIC": "index.html#about_coastal_zone_information_center.htm", "USCOURTS": "index.html#about_united_states_courts_opinions.htm", "GOVPUB": "index.html#about_government_publications.htm" } /************************************* * Web Trends Variables *************************************/ var COLLECTION_TYPE_SINGLE = "Single Collection"; var COLLECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE = "Multiple Collection"; var SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC = "Basic Search"; var SEARCH_TYPE_ADVANCED = "Advanced Search"; var SEARCH_TYPE_CITATION = "Citation Search"; var COLLECTION_CODE_ALL="All Collection"; var ACTION_SEARCH = "Search"; var ACTION_RETRIEVAL = "Retrieval"; var FILE_TYPE_TEXT = "Text"; var FILE_TYPE_PDF ="PDF"; var FILE_TYPE_ZIP ="Zip"; var FILE_TYPE_METADATA ="Metadata"; var FILE_TYPE_HTML ="Html"; var FILE_TYPE_XML ="XML"; var FILE_TYPE_XLS ="XLS"; var FILE_TYPE_JPG = "JPG"; var FILE_TYPE_CSV = "CSV"; var FILE_TYPE_DOC = "DOC"; var FILE_TYPE_PPT = "PPT"; var FILE_TYPE_LOCATOR = "native"; var FILE_TYPE_TIFF = "TIFF"; var FILE_TYPE_WK1 = "WK1"; var FILE_TYPE_WK4 = "WK4"; var FILE_TYPE_MP3 = "MP3"; var RETRIEVAL_TYPE_SEARCH_RESULTS = "Search Results"; var RETRIEVAL_TYPE_CONTENT_DETAIL = "Content Details"; var RETRIEVAL_TYPE_CITATION = "Citation"; var RETRIEVAL_TYPE_BROWSE = "Browse Collections"; var RETRIEVAL_TYPE_BULKDATA = "Bulk Data"; /************************************* * Basic Search *************************************/ function setFocusTextField(){ if (document.getElementById('basic-search-box')!=null) { document.getElementById('basic-search-box').focus(); } } function resetForm(){ try { resetResultForm(); } catch(e) { //alert("resetResultForm function not found"); } } function validateSimpleSearch(frm) { var queryString =; //if (queryString.length == 0) //{ //document.getElementById('show-basic-search-error').style.visibility="visible"; // = ""; //; // } //else //{ if ( == "resultForm") { try { resetResultForm(); } catch(e) { //alert("resetResultForm function not found"); } } //capture web trends parameters /* var userParamsArray=new Array(); var typeOfSearch= new Object();"typeOfSearch"; typeOfSearch.value="Basic Search"; var typeofCollection= new Object();"typeofCollection"; typeofCollection.value="Multi Collection"; var collectionCode= new Object();"collectionCode"; collectionCode.value="All Collection"; userParamsArray[0]=typeOfSearch; userParamsArray[1]=typeofCollection; userParamsArray[2]=collectionCode; //invoke webtrends script logSearchStats(userParamsArray);*/ //for basic search,its across all collections and multipel collections var typeOfSearch=SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC; var typeofCollection=COLLECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE; var collectionCode=COLLECTION_CODE_ALL; logSearchStats(typeOfSearch,typeofCollection,collectionCode,frm.action,"Search Results",queryString); frm.submit(); //} } /************************************* * Advanced Search *************************************/ //Form ID referenced in the java scripts. var ADVANCED_SEARCH_FORM_ID="searchpage"; //available and selected publication IDs var AVAILABLE_PUBLICATIONS_ID="searchpage_newAvailableList"; var SELECTED_PUBLICATIONS_ID="searchpage_newSelectedList"; var PREFIX_SEARCH_METADATA="idSearchInMetadata"; /** Java Script Constant Variables for publication dates **/ var ID_PUBLICATION_DATE="idPublicationDate"; var PUBLICATION_DATE_ALL_DATES="All Dates"; var PUBLICATION_DATE_DATES_BETWEEN="Date is between"; var PUBLICATION_DATE_IS="Date is"; var PUBLICATION_DATE_AFTER="Date is after"; var PUBLICATION_DATE_BEFORE="Date is before"; //max number of allowed search criteria var MAX_SEARCH_CRITERIA=6; //------------------START JAVA SCRIPT ADD/REMOVE PUBLICATIONS---------------------------------- /* Following methods are used for moving collections from available to selected collections list. */ function addOption(theSel, theText, theValue){ var newOpt = new Option(theText, theValue); var selLength = theSel.length; theSel.options[selLength] = newOpt; } function deleteOption(theSel, theIndex){ var selLength = theSel.length; if(selLength>0) { theSel.options[theIndex] = null; } } function moveOptions(theSelFrom, theSelTo){ var selLength = theSelFrom.length; var selectedText = new Array(); var selectedValues = new Array(); var selectedCount = 0; var i; // Find the selected Options in reverse order // and delete them from the 'from' Select. for(i=selLength-1; i>=0; i--) { if(theSelFrom.options[i].selected) { selectedText[selectedCount] = theSelFrom.options[i].text; selectedValues[selectedCount] = theSelFrom.options[i].value; deleteOption(theSelFrom, i); selectedCount++; } } // Add the selected text/values in reverse order. // This will add the Options to the 'to' Select // in the same order as they were in the 'from' Select. for(i=selectedCount-1; i>=0; i--) { addOption(theSelTo, selectedText[i], selectedValues[i]); } //sort only if necessary if (selectedCount > 0) { selectNone(theSelTo, theSelFrom); selectSort(theSelTo); } } function selectNone(list1,list2){ list1.selectedIndex = -1; list2.selectedIndex = -1; } function getSize(list){ var len = list.childNodes.length; var nsLen = 0; for(i=0; i (b.text.toLowerCase()+"")) { return 1; } return 0; } ); for (var i=0; i1){ typeofCollection=COLLECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE; }else{ if(collectionCode ==''){ typeofCollection=COLLECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE; }else{ typeofCollection=COLLECTION_TYPE_SINGLE; } } //capture web trends parameters /*var userParamsArray=new Array(); var typeOfSearch= new Object();"typeOfSearch"; typeOfSearch.value="Advanced Search"; var typeofCollection= new Object();"typeofCollection"; typeofCollection.value=collectionType; var collectionCode= new Object();"collectionCode"; collectionCode.value=collectionCd; userParamsArray[0]=typeOfSearch; userParamsArray[1]=typeofCollection; userParamsArray[2]=collectionCode; //invoke webtrends script logSearchStats(userParamsArray);*/ logSearchStats(typeOfSearch,typeofCollection,collectionCode,newPath,"Search Results","Advanced Search Search Term"); document.getElementById(ADVANCED_SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } /************************************* * Search Results *************************************/ var SEARCH_FORM_ID="resultForm"; var NAVIGATOR="na"; var NAVIGATOR_SELECTION="se"; var FILTER_SELECTION="flr"; var SEE_MORE="sm"; var SORT_BY="sb"; var PAGE_SIZE="ps"; var CHECK_BOX_ID="cb"; var CB_DEFAULT="false"; var PAGE_SIZE_HIDDEN="psh"; var SORT_BY_HIDDEN="sbh"; var DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE="10"; var DEFAULT_SORT_BY="re"; var SPLIT_SEPERATOR="_"; var ORIGINAL_SEARCH="originalSearch"; var COLLECDEPENT="true"; var COLLNOTDEPENT="false"; var ACCODENAV="accodenav"; var GOVERNMENTAUTHNAV="governmentauthornav"; var TIMEFRAME="timeFrame"; function replaceAll(text, strA, strB) { while ( text.indexOf(strA) != -1) { text = text.replace(strA,strB); } return text; } function chkfilter(obj){ var splitNa = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); var splitSe = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); //var collection = document.getElementById("collection").value; // alert("message" + collection); var resultNa =SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var resultSe =SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var newSelectSE=SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var newSelectNA=SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var navIndex=0; var hasaccode=false; for(i = 0; i < splitSe.length; i++){ //var objectid ='\\',''); var objectid = replaceAll(,'\\',''); if(splitSe[i]== objectid){ navIndex=i; } } for(i = 0; i < splitNa.length; i++){ if(i==navIndex){ if(splitNa[i].indexOf(ACCODENAV) != -1){ hasaccode=true; } } } if(hasaccode){ //logic for the removiomg coll specific navs for(i = 0; i < splitSe.length; i++){ //var objectid ='\\',''); var objectid = replaceAll(,'\\',''); if(splitSe[i]!=objectid){ if(splitSe[i].length >1){ resultSe = resultSe + splitSe[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } }else{ navIndex=i; } } for(i = 0; i < splitNa.length; i++){ if(i!=navIndex){ if(splitNa[i].length >1){ resultNa = resultNa + splitNa[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } } } var splitNaNew = resultNa.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); var splitSeNew = resultSe.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); for(i = 0; i < splitSeNew.length; i++){ //iterater for new selection array if(splitSeNew[i].indexOf(COLLECDEPENT) == -1){ //if not true then add to the selected if(splitSeNew[i].length >1){ newSelectSE = newSelectSE + splitSeNew[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; newSelectNA = newSelectNA + splitNaNew[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } } } resultNa = newSelectNA; resultSe = newSelectSE; }else{ //for normal navs whn collection is not selected for(i = 0; i < splitSe.length; i++){ //var objectid ='\\',''); var objectid = replaceAll(,'\\',''); if(splitSe[i]!=objectid){ if(splitSe[i].length >1){ resultSe = resultSe + splitSe[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } }else{ navIndex=i; } } for(i = 0; i < splitNa.length; i++){ if(i!=navIndex){ if(splitNa[i].length >1){ resultNa = resultNa + splitNa[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } } } } //if(navIndex==0 ){ // document.getElementById('ercode').value = "1001"; //} document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value = resultNa; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value = resultSe; document.getElementById(FILTER_SELECTION).value =; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function chkfilter1(obj){ var splitNa = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); var splitSe = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value.split(SPLIT_SEPERATOR); var resultNa =SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var resultSe =SPLIT_SEPERATOR; var navIndex=0; for(i = 0; i < splitSe.length; i++){ if(splitSe[i]!{ if(splitSe[i].length >1){ resultSe = resultSe + splitSe[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } }else{ navIndex=i; } } for(i = 0; i < splitNa.length; i++){ if(i!=navIndex){ if(splitNa[i].length >1){ resultNa = resultNa + splitNa[i]+SPLIT_SEPERATOR; } } } document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value = resultNa; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value = resultSe; document.getElementById(FILTER_SELECTION).value =; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function filterBuckets(na2,se2){ document.getElementById(SEE_MORE).value = ""; document.getElementById(FILTER_SELECTION).value = ""; var nav = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value; nav = nav +SPLIT_SEPERATOR+na2; var sel = document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value; sel = sel +SPLIT_SEPERATOR+se2; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value = nav; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value = sel; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function show(na){ document.getElementById(FILTER_SELECTION).value = ""; document.getElementById(SEE_MORE).value = na; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function showless(na){ document.getElementById(FILTER_SELECTION).value = ""; document.getElementById(SEE_MORE).value = ""; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function resetResultForm(){ var cbValue = document.getElementById(CHECK_BOX_ID).checked; if(cbValue){ return ; } document.getElementById("collection").value = ""; document.getElementById("historical").value = "false"; document.getElementById(ORIGINAL_SEARCH).value = ""; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR).value = ""; document.getElementById(NAVIGATOR_SELECTION).value = ""; 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var elementArr = document.getElementsByName(SORT_BY); elementArr[0].value = sbpsValue; elementArr[1].value =sbpsValue; document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function submitForm(obj){ document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } function onChangeCB(){ var cbValue = document.getElementById(CHECK_BOX_ID).checked; if(cbValue){ //to remove the original search text document.getElementById('basic-search-box').value=""; document.getElementById('idLabelOSV').style.display="block"; }else{ document.getElementById('idLabelOSV').style.display="none"; //document.getElementById('basic-search-box').value = gup('st'); document.getElementById('basic-search-box').value = document.getElementById('hiddOrgSt').value; } return; } function collapseNavTest(obj){ var img = document.getElementById('img'; var dd = document.getElementById('dd'; if ( != 'block') { img.src='images/minus.gif'; img.alt='minus sign';'block'; } else { img.alt='plus sign'; img.src='images/plus.gif';'none'; } } //temp function for browsing function fb(featuredpub) { alert('Featured Publication (' + featuredpub + ') not available yet'); } // to get the url param function gup( name ){ name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( window.location.href ); if( results == null ) return ""; else return results[1]; } /** Function to handle browse by date submission added for browse by date. */ function searchFromBrowse() { var pathname = location.pathname; var newPath = pathname.replace('datetab','datebrowsesearch'); document.getElementById('dispatch').value ="browsedates"; document.getElementById('browseDateForm').action= newPath; document.getElementById(browseDateForm).submit(); } /** Function to handle browse by govauth submission */ function searchGovAuth() { var pathname = location.pathname; var newPath = pathname.replace('govauth','govauthsearch'); document.getElementById('na').value=SPLIT_SEPERATOR + GOVERNMENTAUTHNAV; document.getElementById('se').value=SPLIT_SEPERATOR + document.getElementById('govauthor').value + COLLNOTDEPENT; document.getElementById('selectedTextBoxValue1').value=document.getElementById('govauthor').value; document.getElementById('browseAuthorForm').action= newPath; document.getElementById('browseAuthorForm').submit(); } /** Function to handle browse by cfrparts. */ function searchFromBrowseCFR() { document.getElementById('dispatch').value ="submit"; document.getElementById('browseCfrParts').submit(); } /** This is the function that wraps calls to dcsMultiTrack() function to capture application specific events and to capture application specific parameters for reporting on the web trends side. type Of Search -->Basic,Advanced,Citation type of Collection --> Single or Multiple collection Code -> Any valid colelction code resultURI--> URI of the resulting page. Since we are using dcsMultiTrack,in order to differentiate duplicate hits. resultPage Title --> Title to result page to differentiate duplicate hit */ function logSearchStats(typeOfSearch,typeOfCollection,collectionCode,resultURI,resultTitle,searchTerm){ if(coopValue == "true"){ return; } // truncate resultURI to the base URL since longer URL will be truncated by wt, causing lost of data var actionIndex = resultURI.indexOf(".action"); if(actionIndex>0){ resultURI = resultURI.substring(0,actionIndex+7); } /* One of the way was passing objects to this method to handle any no. of parameters. This approach was dropped as it needed a lot of code to create objects,addition of new parameters needed code change somewhere. */ //invoke webtrends script //'DCS.dcsuri' --> URI of the resulting page //WT.ti --> title of the resulting page resultTitle="US Government Printing Office - FDSys - "+resultTitle; resultTitle = escape(resultTitle); dcsMultiTrack('DCS.dcsuri',resultURI,'WT.ti',resultTitle,'DCSext.actionType',ACTION_SEARCH,'DCSext.typeOfSearch',typeOfSearch,'DCSext.typeOfCollection',typeOfCollection,'DCSext.collectionCode',collectionCode,'DCSext.searchTerm',searchTerm); //just reset the variables DCSext.actionType = DCSext.typeOfSearch = DCSext.typeOfCollection = DCSext.collectionCode = ""; } /** type Of Retrieval -->Search Results,Content Details,Citation file Type --> Text,PDF,HTML,XML,Zip..The type of file clicked by user collection Code -> Any valid colelction code resultURI--> URI of the resulting page. Since we are using dcsMultiTrack,in order to differentiate duplicate hits. resultPage Title --> Title to result page to differentiate duplicate hit */ function logRetrievalStats(typeOfRetrieval,collectionCode,fileType,resultURI,resultTitle){ if(coopValue == "true"){ return; } // retrieve the package name var packageName = getPackageName(resultURI) // truncate resultURI to the base URL since longer URL will be truncated by wt, causing lost of data var actionIndex = resultURI.indexOf(".action"); if(actionIndex>0){ resultURI = resultURI.substring(0,actionIndex+7); } //just treat both collection daily as well weekly compilation of presidential docuuments equal. if(collectionCode == 'WCPD'){ collectionCode = 'CPD'; } //invoke webtrends script // 'DCS.uri',window.location.pathname ,'WT.ti',document.title, resultTitle="US Government Printing Office - FDSys - "+resultTitle; resultTitle = escape(resultTitle); dcsMultiTrack('DCS.dcsuri',resultURI,'WT.ti',resultTitle,'DCSext.actionType',ACTION_RETRIEVAL,'DCSext.typeOfRetrieval',typeOfRetrieval,'DCSext.fileType',fileType,'DCSext.collectionCode',collectionCode, 'DCSext.packagename',packageName); //just reset the variables DCSext.actionType = DCSext.typeOfRetrieval = DCSext.fileType = DCSext.collectionCode = DCSext.packagename = ""; } /** function to retrieve the package name from the provided URL the function handle 4 cases 1- /fdsys/pkg/ 2- /fdsys/granule/ 3- /fdsys/bulkdata/ 4- packageId the function also count for encoding urls. */ function getPackageName(resultURI){ var packageName="Unknown-Name"; var str=resultURI; var length = str.length; var pkg = str.indexOf("/fdsys/pkg/"); var granule = str.indexOf("/fdsys/granule/"); var pkg_encoded = str.indexOf("%2Ffdsys%2Fpkg%2F"); var granule_encoded = str.indexOf("%2Ffdsys%2Fgranule%2F"); var bulkdata = str.indexOf("/fdsys/bulkdata/"); var bulkdata_encoded = str.indexOf("%2Ffdsys%2Fbulkdata%2F"); var packageId = str.indexOf("packageId="); if(pkg>0){ var index = pkg + 11; var pkg2 = str.substring(index); var index2 = pkg2.indexOf("/"); packageName = pkg2.substring(0,index2); } else if(granule>0){ var index = granule+ 15; var pkg2 = str.substring(index); var index2 = pkg2.indexOf("/"); packageName = pkg2.substring(0,index2); } else if(pkg_encoded>0){ var index3 = pkg_encoded + 17; var pkg3 = str.substring(index3); var index3 = pkg3.indexOf("%2F"); packageName = pkg3.substring(0,index3); } else if(granule_encoded>0){ var index4 = granule_encoded+ 21; var pkg4 = str.substring(index4); var index5 = pkg4.indexOf("%2F"); packageName = pkg4.substring(0,index5); } else if(bulkdata>0){ var index5 = str.lastIndexOf("."); var index6 = str.lastIndexOf("/"); packageName = str.substring(index6+1,index5); } else if(bulkdata_encoded>0){ var index7 = str.lastIndexOf("."); var index8 = str.lastIndexOf("%2F"); packageName = str.substring(index8+3,index7); } else if(packageId>0){ var suburl = str.substring(packageId+10,length); var end = suburl.indexOf("&"); var end2 = suburl.indexOf("%26"); if(end>0){ packageName = suburl.substring(0,end); } else if(end2>0){ packageName = suburl.substring(0,end2); } else { packageName = suburl; } } return packageName; } /** added for the * drop down display in search results */ function onChangeTimeFrame(obj) { window.location.href='search/browsedaterange.action?timeFrame='+obj.value; } function setTimeFrameHidden(obj){ //alert(obj.value); document.getElementById('tfh').value=obj.value; } function doTimeframeSubmit(obj){ document.getElementById(SEARCH_FORM_ID).submit(); } /* * Added for the Scroll by **/ function getScrollXY() { var scrOfX = 0, scrOfY = 0; if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; scrOfX = window.pageXOffset; //alert(scrOfY) } else if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { //DOM compliant scrOfY = document.body.scrollTop; scrOfX = document.body.scrollLeft; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) { //IE6 standards compliant mode scrOfY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; scrOfX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } document.getElementById('ycord').value = scrOfY; } function setScrollXY(){ if(document.getElementById('ycord') != undefined){ var max = getheight(); var scrOfX = 0; var scrOfY = document.getElementById('ycord').value; if(scrOfY > max) scrOfY = max; // alert(scrOfY); window.scrollTo(scrOfX,scrOfY); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } } function getheight(){ var d= document.documentElement; var b= document.body; var who= d.offsetHeight? d: b ; return Math.max(who.scrollHeight,who.offsetHeight); } function goWithVars(value, counter) { //alert('value1='+value); var scrOfY = 0; if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; } else if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { //DOM compliant } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) { //IE6 standards compliant mode scrOfY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } document.location = value + '&'+ 'ycord='+scrOfY; } function goWithVarsFR(value, counter) { var scrOfY = 0; var b = document.getElementsByTagName('base'); if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; } else if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { //DOM compliant } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) { //IE6 standards compliant mode scrOfY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } if (b && b[0] && b[0].href) { if (b[0].href.substr(b[0].href.length-1) == '/' && value.charAt(0) == '/') value = value.substr(1); value = b[0].href + value; } document.location = value + '&'+ 'ycord='+scrOfY; } /* For CFR Browse */ var cX = 0; var cY = 0; var rX = 0; var rY = 0; function UpdateCursorPosition(e){ cX = e.pageX; cY = e.pageY; } function UpdateCursorPositionDocAll(e){ cX = event.clientX; cY = event.clientY; } if(document.all) { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPositionDocAll; } else { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPosition; } function AssignPosition(d,index) { if(self.pageYOffset) { rX = self.pageXOffset; rY = self.pageYOffset; } else if(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { rX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; rY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if(document.body) { rX = document.body.scrollLeft; rY = document.body.scrollTop; } if(document.all) { cX += rX; cY += rY; } function getPosition(who){ var T= 0,L= 0; while(who){ L+= who.offsetLeft; T+= who.offsetTop; who= who.offsetParent; } return [L,T]; } var dowIndex = 'download' + index; var divPostion = getPosition(document.getElementById(dowIndex)); = "58%"; = (divPostion[1] + 16) + "px"; } function HideContent(d,index) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } var contentIndex = d + index; document.getElementById(contentIndex).style.display = "none"; } function ShowContent(d,index) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } var contentIndex = d + index; var dd = document.getElementById(contentIndex); AssignPosition(dd,index); = "block"; } function ReverseContentDisplay(d,index) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } var elementArr = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); var contentIndex = d + index; for ( var i = 0; i < elementArr.length; ++i ) { var div = elementArr[i]; if (,7) == "content" ) { if( != contentIndex) { if( == "block") { = "none"; } } } } var dd = document.getElementById(contentIndex); AssignPosition(dd,index); //alert(contentIndex); if( == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 21:35:23 Dec 11, 2012 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 00:11:06 Apr 28, 2024. 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