Brad Plumer
Brad Plumer

Brad Plumer is a reporter at the Washington Post writing about domestic policy, particularly energy and environmental issues.

Latest by Brad Plumer

How to siphon votes from blue states

How to siphon votes from blue states

Now that the election's over, Republicans in blue states are talking about changing the way the electoral college awards its votes. Not incidentally, many of these proposals would have taken votes away from Obama in 2012.

The coming parrot-robot apocalypse

We've posted plenty of Lunch Break videos about the latest breakthroughs in intelligent robots robots that will undoubtedly kill us all some day. So it's only fair that we alert everyone to the possibility of a joint parrot-robot apocalypse situation.

75% of jobless workers to lose insurance

75% of jobless workers to lose insurance

Unless Congress extends the federal unemployment program, two million Americans are set to lose their jobless benefits in December. Another one million Americans are expected see their benefits disappear by April.

What do ‘right-to-work’ laws do to a state’s economy?

The biggest policy fight of the week is arguably taking place in Michigan, where Republican lawmakers are trying to push through a "right-to-work" bill that would weaken labor unions in one of the country's most heavily unionized states. President Obama traveled to the state today and urged Gov. Rick Snyder (R) to veto the bill.