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Congressman Jared Polis

Congressman Jared Polis
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  1. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    Rabbi Dovid Bendory at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: "This nation’s Bill of Rights is a sacrosanct public trust. You are a public servant. You swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. As you blatantly disregard the Secon...d Amendment, the actual “Guardian” of all the rest of the Bill of Rights, I must ask you: Did you knowingly lie when you took your oath of office?" More
  2. What's your plan for keeping us from falling off the fiscal cliff?
  3. Congressman Polis, is anyone talking about jobs and growing the economy - or were these just simply campaign slogans?
  4. Jared- as a hard working middle class American, I beg you to come together with the rest of the House to avoid the "Fiscal Cliff!" A 50% increase in taxes for folks like myself, earning less than $250K a year is DEVASTATING!!
  5. Agenda

    112th cleanup...

    put unemployment insurance extensions on a 2 year "half-life", such that
    benefits are permanent, but decreasing 1/2% a week indefinitely.
    ... 1/2% of the prior week, i.e. compounded, i.e. where the decrease
    decreases by the % of itself, is a 140 week half-life, i.e. a curve
    that passes through 50% at 140 weeks, 25% at 280 weeks, etc.

    END Fed quantitative easing

    Tie salaries of elected federal officers directly to the budget balance,
    e.g. 32.7% deficit = 32.7% Congressional/Presidential pay cut,
    automatic. This can't take effect for two years, per the 27th
    Fix Congress Quick. Cathy McMorris-Rogers actually seemed interested
    in this.

    un-screw the USPS, HR-1351, Elijah Cummings

    US education websites single entry point,

    IF most of the above happens, say the 112th wasn't worse than nothing.

    113th fresh start...

    Jimmy Duncan R-TN SPEAKER (or me, Rick Hohensee, if Jimmy really doesn't
    want it, as I've heard. My campaign slogan: Arrest Bush deport

    Use the uniquely "nice simple formula" of
    to overhaul the tax codes, and along with some careful cuts, close
    the deficit.
    See More
  6. Just because you want to take away our weapons, doesn't mean we will give them up willingly! remember, the largest army in this country are registered hunters and veterans! Do you honestly think we will hand over our weapons to a socialistic government? Get real!
  7. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    Jared -- Thanks for voting "NO" on the NDAA! Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) voted against H.R. 4310, the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013. “The NDAA violates fundamental rights recognized since the signing of the Magna Carta 1215 A.D.,” said Rep. Massie. “This bill ignores principles central to American liberty.” The National Defense Authorization Acts of 2012 and 2013 collectively authorize indefinite detention of citizens without trial, depriving them of rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. A Senate amendment, supported by Senator Rand Paul, to address the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA was stripped from the bill before arriving at the House for a vote. I couldn’t in good conscience vote for the NDAA while simultaneously upholding my oath to defend the Constitution,” Rep. Massie concluded. More
  8. Melissa Manning Hickeyposted toCongressman Jared Polis
    Simply Jared, GUN CONTROL NOW... fight the fight, go the distance, don't back down,

    Sincerely, Teacher in Boulder

  9. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    بسم الأله الواحد الذى نعبده جميعاً
    رسالة واجبة بمشاركة الألام ..
    طبقاً لثقافتنا وعقيدتنا السماوية نقدمها للسيد/ جيرد وبصفته نائب عن الشعب
    بولاية كلورادو فجعنا هذا الحدث وحزننا حزناً شديداً على ما فقدتوا من أطفال أبرياء .
    بسم الأله الواحد الذى نعبدة جميعاً
    قال الله
    ( وبشر الصابرين الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون )
    صادق العزاء وعظيم المواساة وندعوا ال...له أن تكون أخر الأحزان ....

    تعريف مختصر عن الجمعية
    جمعية الجيل الذهبى للتنمية الأجتماعية هى جمعية أهلية تضم بين طياتها العشرات من السادة القضاة من مختلف الهيئات القضائية بالآضافة إلى أساتذة القانون والجامعات ومن رجال الفكر والثقافة والأعلام ومن رموز المجتمع المصرى الأصيل أصحاب المهن المختلفة هدفهم خدمة المجتمع ونشر الحب والخير وترسيخ الديمقراطية بين جميع طوائف الشعب حتى يتحقق الأمان والأستقرار ليصل لكل أنسان والجمعية ليست فئوية أو حكراً على أحد ,,,,
    كما تقدم عظيم الشكر على مجهوداتكم
    إدارتكم الواعية وسياستكم اليقظة فى أحتواء الأزمة بين الجارتين ( أسرائيل وفلسطين ) وقد قمت بعمل عظيم بوقف أطلاق النار الذى أنقذ الألاف بل الملايين من المدنين من الذعر والموت المحقق وكما تعودنا دائماً أن الشعب الأمريكى العظيم يحب الهدوء والحرية وتحقيق العدالة ولا يميل للعنف وسفك الدماء ويعشق الحق ودائماً قياداته ماتؤيد ذلك لأرضاء الشعب الأمريكى العاشق للديمقراطية والحريص على حماية الأقلية والمراة والطفل بدون تميز أو تحيز وينفق من أمواله الخاصة لينشر هذا الفكر على مستوى دول العالم وهذه الأسباب ما تميز الشعب الامريكى وتجعلة مجسدا لحقوق الأنسان على الارض وهذا ما يجعله مميزاً أمام شعوب العالم ....

    رئيس مجلس الأدارة
    خالد الهوارى
    See More
    See Translation
  10. I know moms & families can't bear more than our fair share, don't push us off a #fiscalcliff! Check out stories from moms and families here:
  11. I know moms & families can't bear more than our fair share, don't push us off a #fiscalcliff! Check out stories from moms and families here:
  12. I know moms & families can't bear more than our fair share, don't push us off a #fiscalcliff! Check out stories from moms and families here:
  13. Mr. Polis

    If you vote in favor of any gun control measures, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you are not re-elected, including financially and vocally supporting your opponent online, and off. Please respect our rights and understand that the problem is not guns. The problem is the inability for teachers, like myself, to defend our students and ourselves in the school building.
  14. Jared, Please introduce legislation to capitalize the interest on these ARM loans. If you retroactively did this we all could refinance, let the banks keep their profits as they line up for a windfall due to refinancing.

    The Romans often used this technique during the Pax Romana, the golden age of the Antonines. Example if you have a 500,000 dollar house loan and a subprime you have paid nearly... 280,000 in interest over the last 6 years. If you force the banks to capitalize on a 50/50 split you will usher a new era of prosperity as the amount of large home improvement projects and purchases of durable goods will be in the millions.

    If you begin a program like this you will save the American middle class.

    See More

    My Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

    There is much strife and seeming complexity regarding peace and brotherhood among all of us in the world. There are many, who believe they have the right answer and are militant to impose their “right” answer on all. They seem to forget the earliest message of our holy scriptures, whether the K...oran, the Bible or the Thora, namely that each of us, within our hearts, have been provided with the spirit and love of the Father of us all. This was revealed to our common earthly father, Adam, who understood this in his heart before the writing of any scripture. Each of us have access to this fundamental truth, whether Muslim, Christian, Jew and also our fellow human beings, who have not had the good and fortunate access to the teachings. When we pray, we pray to our Father, present and living within in hearts of each of us. The secret to the peace and brotherhood we all yearn for is to see the presence of our Father in each of us and to love each other as our Father loves us. Within this context, the actions required to address the problems of our contemporary times will not seem insurmountable.

    “We have sent by inspiration to you as We commended to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, namely that you should be steadfast in religion and make no divisions therein… Allah is our Lord and your Lord… there is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is our Homecoming.” (Sura 42.13 - 15)

    My access to our Father is through the Christian teaching, neither less nor more important than the teachings of Abraham or Mohammad. It is the Christmas season, a time when Christians celebrate the love of the Father for and within us all. I give you the following teaching of the Apostle Paul and invite you, whether Muslim, Christian, Jew or a brother seeking access to our Father, to live this teaching within your life:

    “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

    From Love and Brotherhood,
    Erik Hesse
    See More
  16. Congressman, please help to remove assault rifles and large magazines from streets of our cities. People can have hand guns for self-defense. We have to also address the mental health issue. These both factors have to be address now before more innocent American kids (and adults) get killed again!!
  17. Dear Rep. Polis,

    My ability to bear arms is already restricted. I am not allowed own a nuclear weapon or a fully automatic machine gun. I would also like semi automatic rifles banned. I will stick to regular rifles and handguns.

    Thank you for listening.
  18. Appeal to the free world and to muslims
    AS SUPPORTED VIA SEVERAL International articles, and TV PROGRAM

    My brother has been a prisoner in Switzerland sinc...e March 12, 2007, although he has never been convicted of any crime. People have recommended to me that I contact you. They say that you might help me bring wider attention to his plight, and pressure on the Swiss to release him, before it is too late.
    My brother, Colonel Dr. Mohamed Elghanam, refused to spy on the Islamic community in Geneva, and refused -- since 2005 until now-- to cancel his complaint against the Swiss intelligence who committed mental and physical violations against him during their failed attempts to recruit him.
    The Swiss imprisonment of my brother for an alleged mental disorder, and under a cover of mandatory psychiatric treatment, is, in reality, due to his refusal to cooperate with the Swiss Intelligence, and his exposing that they carried out acts of intimidation against him, and that members of the Swiss government were involved in these actions .
    the Swiss have refused to hear any of the witnesses requested by my brother during the past seven years, although legally they are required to be heard.
    Among the witnesses who Colonel Dr. Mohammed Ghanam still ask and did ask since 2005 untill now are Ministers, as Calmy- rey (concellers minister),
    Pscal couchepin and
    Leuenberger(it est le president de la Suisse)
    this is a criminal attitude of the Swiss government, and we demand the President of Switzerland for 2012 to appear immediately and officially with the witnesses whose had referred above to testify or to release Colonel Dr. Mohammed Ghanam immediately, and Here is the name of the Swiss president, his fax and his e-mail
    Eveline Widmer-Schlupf, Fax 41313233852

    Dear reader, please contact him and condemn the Swiss behavior, and also send this Appeal to everyone you can, and ask them to request the release of Colonel Dr. Mohamed Elghanam immediately.
    My brother Colonel Dr. MOHAMED El GHANAM is the author of Anti-terrorism law in Egypt, and former director of legal research in the Ministry of Interior in Egypt. Also, he is a Dr. of Criminal Law, and Professor in several Egyptian law universities.
    My brother is professor in the Police Academy in Cairo, also he taught many African officers several classes in the Egyptian police academy [ especially about Anti-terrorism ].
    My brother represented Egypt many times in America and Europe as Expert in Anti -Terrorism.
    But, since 2001, he had Political Asylum in Switzerland.
    please distribute the statement to the news agencies and promoted in the media, or via what you can to from the organization gathering, demonstration or manifestations to sit in front of the Swiss embassy or anywhere else it deems appropriate and useful
    We need solidarity with Colonel Dr. Mohammed Ghannam
    SEVERAL International articles, and TV PROGRAM about Colonel Dr. Mohamed Elghanam :-
    Robert Fisk: Jailed in Geneva - the colonel who ... - The Independent
    Robert Fisk: Jailed in Geneva - the colonel who stood up against Mubarak, but refused to spy for the Swiss
    His defence of Christian Copts made him a thorn in the side of Egypt's regime. But when he fled, Colonel Ghanem found himself in an equally dangerous game.
    2. jeune afrique , French magazine.
    Also here ia a,
    3. Swiss TV report about Colonel Dr. Mohamed Elghanam
    This is the link:
    4. here is the article about my brother in the press French ,Le Point. Fr.
    See More
  19. Do not allow Senator Feinstein the ability to take away our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The 1994 AWB did not work, columbine happened, so why disarm law abiding citizens when the criminals will not turn over their arms. Do the right thing congressman!
  20. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    "I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 15, 2012, as Bill of Rights Day. I call upon the people ...of the United States to mark these observances with appropriate ceremonies and activities." More
  21. Today I donated to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. I should have done so a long time ago. Today I ask you to take a stand against gun violence in this country.
  22. My thoughts on today. Usually there are enough posts about anything that happens within the world here on facebook that i would not say much. There have been many posts today over what has happened, and there will be many more, but I could not hold this in. Today I pray for all the families of each child and adult that were taken up to be with our lord, no matter what religion they follow. I pray ...for the town, for the loss of a loved one is hard to cope, even harder when just a child. I also pray for the soldier's family that paid the ultimate price for our freedom today in Afghanistan from a suicide bomber, always remember our troops no matter what. The shooting today just supports my view on gun laws and that there should be more armed citizens in our nation. Over the years there have been more and more accounts of shootings of our loved ones by just a handful of people and we as Americans along with our government are letting it happen. This is not a time to force more gun laws upon our nation, it is time to make it law for every citizen to be armed. Every household should be trained and then given a weapon to protect themselves, just like the worlds safest country Switzerland enacts. I also believe that principals, vice principals, professors, and even teachers at a school should be trained to handle a weapon and be armed while on campus. We trust our teachers with the success of our children's lives by teaching them, and something needs to be done to better keep them safe while at school. Yes, many teachers have done very noble and heroic acts in many different situations from training that has helped mitigate the outcome of a shooter. This school's principal was shot in the leg, had she met this man and been armed, maybe just one less loved one would have been taken from us today. I believe there should be more officials allowed to be armed on a military post as well as college campuses and malls across America. More armed citizens means less crime, less loved ones taken from us, less funerals. No it will never stop it, but if there were more armed citizens willing to fight to keep our families here in our own land safe, then people who's minds choose to do something so insane will have more of a fight when they do or even help them choose not to. Its time, my fellow Americans to stand together to protect our own land. "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4See More
  23. Krisa Joy Eudaleyposted toCongressman Jared Polis
    Congressman Polis, Please stop Farmers Assurance Provision (Section 733)!! It is wrong and is slowly killing Americans!! Thank you :)
  24. is: Our babies are being shot to pieces by maniacs who can buy over-the-counter automatic weapons.
    When will enough be enough, Mr. Polis?
  25. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    "Despite the fact that HSBC admitted to laundering billions of dollars for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels ... and violating a host of important banking laws (from the Bank Secrecy Act to the Trading With the Enemy Act), Assistant Attorn...ey General Breuer and his Justice Department elected not to pursue criminal prosecutions of the bank, opting instead for a "record" financial settlement of $1.9 billion, which as one analyst noted is about five weeks of income for the bank."

    Read more:
    See More
  26. Patricia Chavezposted toCongressman Jared Polis
    Thank you for the beautiful card. Wishing you a very blessed Holiday. I appreciate all you do for us in Colorado, and so fortunate to have worked with you at LARASA.
  27. I say that if you are not able to reach an agreement on the fiscal cliff that every member of congress gets to forego their paychecks in order to keep the public, whom it seems I must remind you, you swore to serve, from suffering the consequences of your inability to reach an agreement!

    I do not care what your politics are -- the fact is that you are ALL (DEMS, REPUBS, and IND) acting incredibly... childish at the expensive of the hard working american public.

    They say that money talks, so here is a novel idea, I think that John Kerry, Senator Jay Rockefeller, Mark Warner, Congressman Jared Polis, Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Diane Feinstein and the other INCREDIBLY wealthy politicians should pay the salaries of those who are being threatened with layoffs, like my friend Brendan Ross, an air traffic controller, if an agreement is not reached that satisfies all sides -- then maybe you will be more inclined to work on this problem when YOUR wallet is being hit!

    Welcome to the real world -- we all have to compromise on things every day -- must be nice to stand your ground at others expense!
    See More
  28. Arthur Breymaierposted toCongressman Jared Polis
    Hey!- Thanks for the card, great sentiments- here's to the best that's yet to come for all of us!
  29. Don't listen to Grover Norquist. Listen to the people that re-elected President Obama. Don't fail the USA.
  30. "Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few." ~James Madison
  31. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    Taxpayers will shell out more than $5 trillion in INTEREST payments over the next decade to pay for the national debt. That's $5 TRILLION that can't be used on the country's other priorities. The bottom line is that the national credit card... is MAXED OUT, and the responsible thing to do is REDUCE GOVERNMENT SPENDING. If Congress and the President really want to support the middle class, then major spending cuts need to be part of the equation! More
  32. Another “discovery” is that only Boehner (Obama’s new BFF) and Obama are “negotiating” behind closed doors. The American people—long ago—were shut out of their own government. Now Congress is being shut out, also.
    How does it make you feel to be a 'subject' of your 'president'?
  33. Carl Bruning shared a link.
    Howard Dean (D): "The only problem is - and this is initially going to seem like heresy from a progressive is - the truth is EVERYBODY needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich. And it's a good start. But we're not going to get out of thi...s deficit problem unless we raise taxes across the board, to go back to what Bill Clinton had and his taxes. And if we don't do that, the problem is the pressure is going to be on spending even more." More

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