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On Tax Day, Neugebauer Calls for Tax Relief and Reform

Washington, DC – As taxpayers across the country completed their 2006 tax returns Tuesday, Congressman Randy Neugebauer reiterated his support for tax relief and for a simpler, fairer tax code for all Americans.

   “The tax code is too long and too complex,” said Neugebauer.  “In fact, it is nearly nine times longer than the Bible.  The complexity of the tax code is driving good jobs overseas while driving American taxpayers crazy.  Implementing real tax reform should be a top priority in Congress.”

   Neugebauer also pointed to the importance of tax relief in expanding the economy and supporting working families. 

   “The recent enactment of pro-growth tax policies have helped create an environment for economic prosperity and job creation,” said Neugebauer.  “Despite these positive results, the House recently approved a budget blueprint that paves the way for a $393 billion tax hike.  Such a massive tax increase would be bad policy and would jeopardize the recent success of the U.S. economy.”

   Since the latest round of tax relief was enacted in May of 2003, more than 7.5 million new jobs have been created, the unemployment rate has dropped, and the stock market has rebounded, reaching a record-high this past February.
