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WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Congress officially adjourned the first session of the 110th Congress. Congressman Randy Neugebauer (TX-19) voted for several key pieces of legislation, including a bill to protect 23 million Americans from a tax increase by shielding them from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Other legislation passed yesterday will extend health care for needy children, protect health benefits for seniors and provide funding for our troops currently in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as allocate funds for veterans and military beneficiaries. Upon conclusion of yesterday’s votes, Congressman Neugebauer released the following statement:

“Today is a good day for the American people. Congress has completed its work and passed much-needed legislation. I was pleased to vote to protect 23 million Americans from an average $2000 tax increase, including the hard working folks of West Texas and the Big Country.

“I voted to continue the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), within the original intent of the program when it was created in 1998. Today’s legislation was fiscally responsible, it did not move towards a government run health care system, it puts our children with the greatest needs first and maintains current requirements for proof of citizenship for access to the program. Additionally, I supported legislation to ensure senior citizens in Medicare and military beneficiaries will continue to have access to quality care from their doctors.

“Another critical piece of legislation we finalized was continued funding for our armed forces currently engaged in the Global War on Terror. We owe it to those who protect us to provide them with the best possible equipment and the funding they need to carry out the crucial mission of fighting radical Islamic terrorism. Nothing is more important than fighting terrorism and protecting our homeland.”
