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Neugebauer Statement on the Testimony of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker Regarding Progress in Iraq

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Randy Neugebauer listened to General Petraeus’ and Ambassador Crocker’s independent assessment on the progress of the current situation in Iraq. After the testimony, Neugebauer released the following statement:

“General Petreaus and Ambassador Crocker presented a thorough and honest assessment of the ongoing war in Iraq. I commend both men for their hard work. General Petraeus is a man of impeccable integrity, and I strongly believe that it was critical for Congress and the American people to hear first hand an unvarnished and detailed report of America’s mission in Iraq from those at the forefront of the conflict.

“I think the single most important point made today was when Petraeus stated, ‘As a bottom line up front, the military objectives of the surge are, in large measure, being met.’ In addition, he also noted that a majority of the Iraqi security forces are gradually shouldering more of the load, including taking the lead in securing Baghdad and reducing the sectarian violence. General Petraeus also pointed out that Iraqi security forces are stepping forward and leading many of the operations with minimal coalition assistance.

“It was also important to hear Ambassador Crocker’s assessment of the political situation in Iraq. He stated that progress has not moved forward as quickly as desired, but that democracy and independence are a new concept for the people of Iraq.  He concluded that there have been positive steps forward nationally, but the most significant and noticeable progress has been made at the provincial and local level.

“It is clear that America has made significant progress in Iraq through General Petraeus’ military planning, and America is clearly winning in Iraq, one of the many fronts in the Global War on Terror. As the sixth anniversary of 9/11 descends upon us, Americans must reflect on the importance of keeping our homeland safe and preventing any future attacks. Failure is not an option, and we must not withdraw troops. Completing this war is an important step in defeating those who wage their jihad against innocent civilians and Western civilization.
