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WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Randy Neugebauer (TX-19) issued the following statement after President Bush vetoed the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (H.R. 1495):

“I have always been a strong advocate for water infrastructure improvements that will improve the water supply or provide flood protection for people of the 19th District. I voted for the original House version of this bill because it was a bipartisan and reasonable bill. Congress was overdue in providing a water resources bill and this one contained an important provision authorizing a study for the proposed Cedar Ridge Reservoir in the Abilene area. I fully support this measure and understand its importance to the community.

“Unfortunately, when the Senate and House negotiated the differences between their two bills, this package nearly doubled it in size from $13 billion dollars to $23 billion dollars, creating a fiscally irresponsible bill that will lead to excessive spending. Budgeting is about prioritizing how you spend the money you have. This bill calls on Congress to come up with billions of dollars we do not have. Fiscal responsibility is one of my biggest concerns, and I will always work to ensure that the taxpayers’ money is spent wisely.

“While the President vetoed this bill, it appears that there are enough votes to override it, so this bill will very likely become law. I am pleased to see that the reservoir study will be approved, and I will continue to work on behalf of the people of the 19th District to support funding for water projects that are needed.”
