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Neugebauer Speaks in Support of Troops in House Debate

   Washington, DC – During debate on the House floor Thursday, Congressman Randy Neugebauer voiced his opposition to a Democratic-authored resolution that undermines the mission of American troops.  The following are Neugebauer’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

   “I rise today in strong opposition to this resolution and in strong support of our troops and their mission to fight and win the Global War on Terror.

   “I am disappointed that this hollow resolution does not match the seriousness of the issue we are debating.  It appears politics – not the safety of our nation – is leading the way.  Not long ago, several of my Democratic colleagues were arguing we needed additional troops in Iraq.  But now, when the President and the Iraq Study Group support sending in reinforcements, the Democrats are against it.  Although they have the ability and the responsibility to govern, the Majority has no plan for success. 

   “In fact, their only plan is to cut funding for our troops on the ground in Iraq.  Statement after statement from members on the other side of the aisle paint a clear picture:  this week’s debate is merely paving the way to cut funding down the road.   The realities of our current global conflict demand a more responsible approach. 

   “We know that our terrorist enemies are patient, calculating, and intent on attacking us.  They have stated that Iraq is the central front in their global jihad.  Yet, expelling Americans from Iraq is merely the first step in their strategy.  We also know that leaders of terrorist organizations have ordered their followers to extend their jihad throughout the region and the world.  So it is clear that the attacks on our country and our citizens will not stop if our troops pack up their bags and return home from Iraq.  The terrorists will follow us, as they have done before.  A long list of terrorist attacks took place before our troops entered Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power. 

   “I, like everyone else, want our troops to come home as soon as possible.  However, if short-sighted, political calculations made in this body cause us to lose this war, terrorist groups will only be encouraged to expand their efforts.  In addition to the terrorist groups who are watching this debate and our actions in Iraq, we also know that Iran is seeing how America and its political leaders react.  Not only does Iran stand to benefit from increased instability in the region, but seeing America retreat in the face of military obstacles will only embolden this rogue regime to question America’s resolve. 

   “While we can disagree on whether to send in reinforcements, we must all agree that the consequences of losing this important battle of the Global War on Terror would be catastrophic and far-reaching.  America must not become a nation where our school buses, our malls, and our neighborhoods become battlefields in the War on Terror. 

   “Therefore, we should be saying that we will not retreat from this fight.  And, we should stand 100 percent behind our troops and give them the tools and support necessary to get the job done.  Our security depends on it.  Unfortunately, this resolution fails on each front.  This resolution does not put forth a successful strategy for victory.  And this resolution does not show our troops that they have our full support.  To the contrary, this resolution only serves to score political points and embarrass our Commander-in-Chief during a time of war.  It does all of this, while at the same time weakening the morale of our troops.

   “Fighting and winning a war is serious business.  It requires our President, our military leaders, and elected officials to make difficult decisions.  Yet, making tough decisions is what the American people expect their representatives to do.  Therefore, I call on all of my colleagues to reject this resolution, end the political stunts, and take seriously our responsibility to govern and to ensure the security of the United States of America.”
