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76WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Randy Neugebauer (TX-19) joined a bipartisan group of Representatives today to condemn the recent vandalism of the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial and express his support for H. Res. 680, legislation that condemns the desecration of this national monument. Following the press conference, Neugebauer released the following statement:

“The servicemen and women whose names are on that memorial gave the ultimate sacrifice for this nation; they defended liberty, justice and democracy. Those heroes put their lives on the line to defend strangers and ensure the freedoms we enjoy in America would continue to be protected,” Neugebauer stated. “They gave their lives so individuals could let their voices be heard, no matter what the issue. This cowardly act was not an expression of beliefs; it was criminal. To violate a memorial in their honor is simply deplorable.

“Vietnam veterans did not come home as heroes, they were called “baby killers” and were spat upon. Many in this country poisoned their return home, and the greatest recognition given to the men and women who served was the creation of this monument. It is truly a sad day when someone would commit such an act and tear open the wounds so many Vietnam veterans are trying to overcome.

“Not only is this an insult to Vietnam veterans, but it is also an insult to any individual who has put on the uniform and answered the call of this great nation. I join my colleagues in asking the Justice Department to seek out these criminals and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law,” Neugebauer concluded.
