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Neugebauer Backs Bill Benefiting Veterans

   Washington, DC – Congressman Randy Neugebauer backed legislation Friday that aims to meet the needs of veterans and provides funding for important military base housing construction throughout the country.

   “Throughout our nation’s history, our veterans have made great sacrifices to protect America, its citizens, and its freedoms,” said Neugebauer.  “Each day, members of the military are returning from the front lines of the War on Terror and joining the ranks of proud veterans of the United States Armed Services.  America has an obligation to repay these brave men and women for their sacrifices, to provide them with quality health care, and to help them transition into their post-combat careers.  This bill takes great strides in meeting each of these goals.”

   The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act for FY 2008 (H.R. 2642) was approved by the House on Friday with wide bipartisan support.  It provides $43.2 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs and $21.4 billion to fund military construction projects.  Key provisions of the bill include:


    $28.9 billion for veterans medical services;
    $480 million for medical and prosthetic research;
    $2.9 billion for military housing;
    $2.8 billion to increase the size of the Army by 65,000, the Marines by 27,000, and the Guard and Reserve by 9,200 over the next five years


   The House-passed bill will be negotiated with the Senate, which is also working to pass similar legislation.
