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Neugebauer Applauds Senate Rejection of Amnesty Bill

Washington, DC – Congressman Randy Neugebauer applauded the Senate Thursday following the rejection of legislation that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

   “The majority in the Senate took the appropriate step today in rejecting a flawed immigration bill that would have made for bad policy,” said Neugebauer.  “This legislation would have granted amnesty to those who have broken our immigration laws.  Lawbreakers should not be given a leg-up over those who are trying to follow our laws and enter the country legally.  As we move forward, the best course of action is to fully and aggressively enforce laws the help regain control of our borders.  Congress has devoted billions in taxpayer dollars in order to beef up security through increasing the number of border patrol agents, utilizing 21st century technology, and building security barriers along the border.  Now, the federal government must prove to the American people that they have the will and the ability to enforce the law and secure our nation’s borders.”
