6.2.2010 - Back to School with Rep. Pascrell

    Rep. Pascrell went to the head of the class when he paid a visit to The Deron School in Montclair. The congressman, a former high school history teacher, taught a lesson on the U.S. Constitution. There was also time to field some questions on topics including the BP oil spill, jobs creation and the kind of car he drives. ("An American car," was the congressman's answer.)

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    1. kevin from nutley (30 months ago | reply)

      Congressman, I hope you where teaching American History, NOT Progressive American historiography.
      The first meaning of historiography refers to the study of the practice of history itself. That is, it is NOT THE STUDY OF PAST EVENTS, or history proper, but rather the study of how historians themselves, over time, have understood, recorded, approached, and conceptualized history.
      Mr Congressman,, I believe that you follow Charles Austin Beard (November 27, 1874 – September 1, 1948) who was an American Historian.

      He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. His works included radical re-evaluation of the Founding Fathers of the United States, who he believed were more motivated by economics than by philosophical principles.

      Am I close? Or is it Howard Zinn.

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