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Today, Dr. Coburn filed the following amendments to HR 2112, the legislation being considered that includes appropriations for the fiscal year 2012. 

Amendment 791; to prohibit farm payments from going to millionaires. Additional background here.

Amendment 792; to end payments to slumlords who are endangering the lives of children and needy families. Additional background here.

Amendment 793; to ensure transparency at federally funded conferences. Additional background here

Amendment 794; to provide Congress with an annual listing of every government program to end duplication and increase government efficiency. Additional background here.

Amendment 795; to collect funds from abandoned HUD projects. Additional background here.

Amendment 796; to prohibit the repayment of federal loans with federal grants. Additional background here.

Amendment 797; to cancel new renovation, construction, leasing and purchasing of federal buildings and office space. Additional background here.

Amendment 798; to prohibit USDA from purchasing new motor vehicles. Additional background here

 Amendment 799; to prohibit the use of funds to carry out the Rural Energy for America program. Additional background here

Amendment 800; to reduce funding for the Rural Development Agency. Additional background here

Amendment 801; to eliminate funding for the Small Community Air Service Development Program. Additional background here and here

Amendment 833; to end the outdated Direct Payment program and begin restoring the Farm Safety Net as a true risk management tool. Additional background here

The National Taxpayers Union urged members to vote "Yes" on Coburn amendments 791 and 792.